Can't remember the circuits. If you go to any WW2 ship museam, you can see the circuits throughout the ship. If you make it up to Combat (CIC), you'll see them all over the place. Usually, you screwed a sound powered phone into it and turned the switch to whichever circuit you were supposed to be on. I think there was Engineering, Damage Control, Lookouts, Fire Control to name a few. Usually, there were half a dozen at least on each circuit during GQ. No bs-ing around on the circuit, get on and get off. But sometimes, when you knew everyone on the circuit, it was "What's up on your end of the ship?" type of talk.
As for Situation Red; Weapons Free, it will happen some day. Probably for some of those smaller ships in the Brown Water navy, it happens now. But for the bigger ones, it might be a bit different. Now, if they empty their magazines at all the threats, they're empty in a couple minutes. Weapons have a much higher % of hits.
But it will happen. Sooner or later.
Glad I could help.