Utility of French naval balloons during Napoleonic War?

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Admiral Beez

Oct 21, 2019
Toronto, Canada
The French Aerostatic Corps was the world's first balloon unit, founded in 1794 to use balloons, primarily for reconnaissance.

"In 1798, the company joined the Napoleonic Campaign in Egypt. On arrival, they decided to initially leave the ballooning equipment on their ship. This was destroyed in the Battle of the Nile, and the company was assigned to other duties. They were able to conduct a few demonstrations of more basic balloons for entertainment purposes. On 15 January 1799, the Directory passed an act disbanding the balloon corps. The second company was immediately disbanded, but the first was still in action in Egypt and remained in existence until its return to France in 1802."

Instead, the French Admiral asks the army to launch and maintain an observational balloon over the fleet to watch for Nelson's approaching fleet. Battle of the Nile - Wikipedia
And what about addressing British blockades of French ports. Such as when the French-Spanish fleet sailed from Cadiz, Battle of Trafalgar - Wikipedia
Maybe the French Admiral could use an aircraft carrier.
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