Vallejo Acrylic Primer

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Jan 30, 2013
Atlanta, GA
I am having terrible luck spraying this stuff. tried 20# right out of the bottle, 25#, thinned a little...I get a very mottled finish no matter what... Any ideas?
Depends what you mean by 'mottled finish' - as in colour, or texture?
The thinning ratio sounds rather low - I would have thought a start point of around 50/50, or maybe even 60% thinner to paint, and spray from a little further back. I haven't used the stuff, so I'm not familiar with its characteristics, but maybe post a photo and those who use acrylics can possibly comment.
I have never used the "primer" but I agree about the thinning ratio.
Sometimes with their "Airbrush" line it comes out way too thick to spray without thinning first.
Certainly sounds like it needs much more thinning, and test the spraying range. Much better to have one or two thin, easy to apply coats, than one thick, gritty, hard work coat.
I give up. I sprayed some Vallejo Air straight and sprayed fine. The regular line of Vallejo just doesn't like me. I tried the Olive Drab and could not get it to spray worth a drn. Tried different thinning ratios and pressures. I think I'll just go back to Model Masters. Any suggestions as to other paints you like?
The Vallejo Model Colour series isn't for airbrushing basicly. So you aren't the only one who has a problem with these colours.
Yep, I've only ever used acrylics two or three times (don't like them overall), and I found that the Vallejo Model colour was far superior to Tamiya, and just needs thinning around 50/50 with water.
The Vallejo Air is the same stuff, just ready thinned for spraying - so buying the Model Colour, at the same price, gives you twice as much paint, and it can be brushed - or as well as acrylics can be brushed at least.
Hey, here's what do.
I don't thin Vallejo primer. I spray it right out of the bottle at about 2 bar pressure. Thats a bit above 25 psi depending on your compressor.
Model Air I thin 2 or 3 drops of their thinner per 5 drops of paint. I have absolutely no problems with splattering or grainy finish like I have with other paint. Tamiya excluded. Go to you tube and search "spraying vallejo model air" you should find a nice short tutorial.
I'll look for the vid's. I got a bottle of their thinner. It is real milky looking. Is it supposed to look like that.. Does it not affect the color?
This was good info, I am having to transfer to acrylics as my wife can't deal with when I shoot enamels. I just bot a set of Vallejo air RLMs for $40.00 from Scale Hobbyist with 16 RLM colors in to to get stated on some WW II German planes. It is cheaper then the Testors MM and I have heard better, but I do see some people having issues with it. I am looking for all suggestions, I see one where we don't use primer and others with primer. I have tried acrylics before and it came off if masked. Need to keep that from happening. What kind of primer should be used any extra tips?

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