VF-214 aircraft numbers?

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Rich Wright

Nov 10, 2007
St.Louis, Mo

Looking for aircraft numbers for the planes that were flown in Pappy's outfit. I am painting 10 Corsairs in the scheme that they flew in Nov '43 - Jan '44 and wanted to have the actual aircraft numbers on the fuselage exact....to the nine.

Can anyone help me with the pilot's names and their aircraft numbers?

The pilots of -214, one of whom was my Grandfather Bill Case, didnt have specific planes assigned to them, they flew whatever aircraft was available at the time of scramble.....

Heres a couple of profiles....

F4U-1A Corsair BuNo 17875 No.875 flown by Capt Edwin L Olander, VMF-214, Torokina, January 1944

F4U-1A Corsair BuNo 17740 No.740 flown by Maj Gregory Boyington of VMF-214, Vella Lavella, December 1943

F4U-1A Corsair BuNo 17883 No.883 flown by Maj Gregory Boyington of VMF-214, Vella Lavella, December 1943

F4U-1A Corsair BuNo 18086 No.86 flown by Maj Gregory Boyington of VMF-214, Vella Lavella, December 1943
Has there been any further info on his No. 86 Lulubelle photo? The last story I had on this plane was that the name and Japanese kill flags were hurriedly stuck on for a visiting photographer. As mentioned above, it appears the squadron didn't have the luxury of personalized aircraft at this time.

So, Rich, all you have to do is pick a day, find out which serial numbers had been assigned to the squadron and which pilots were assigned and there you have it! Any of those pilots could and probably did fly one of those planes...at one time or another,


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