Hi - new here and I don't know who the best pilot is, but just as a general question, do you all believe the numbers that the Luftwaffe pilots supposedly put up, Like Erich Hartmann's 352 kills? Considering how propaganda-driven the Third Reich was, I've always been a bit doubtful about these numbers. It seems to me that if they flew the number of sorties they would have had to to post these numbers, just the law of averages would have caught up with them and they would have been killed or crippled before they reached these totals. For example, I read where Marshall said in this thread that Hartmann was involved in 825 aerial combats - I know he was shot down and injured at times, but it still seems to me somewhat unlikely he would have survived that many combats. Even the best Japanese pilot only had 100 kills, if I remember correctly, and like the Nazis, the Japanese flew their pilots until they were killed (they didn't rotate them back like the Americans). Anybody else suspicious?