VVS Serial Numbers?

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Sep 9, 2008
Does anyone know if there is a list of VVS aircraft serial numbers? Main interest would be Lend-Lease aircraft. I'm starting to think that they just used the serial number that the lending country had given the aircraft, but I'm not sure. Also, does anyone know if Spitfires used by the USAAF received USAAF S/Ns?

Hi wh1skea. As far as British aircraft are concerned, supplied to the V-VS and the U.S.A.A.C./U.S.A.A.F., they appear to have retained their original Air Ministry serial numbers. In the case of the latter, on, for example, Spitfires, the numbers were often, but not always, re-positioned, often in 'U.S.' stencil, on the top of the tail fin, in much smaller characters than the original. This makes sense, as any request from the recipient Air Force for such things as specific spares, manuals etc., might have required a serial block to differentiate between production and post production mods. I'm afraid I haven't got any photo references to hand to quote exactly, but most publications showing British aircraft in U.S. service will show this serial number arrangement. Bear in mind that, with U.S. aircraft, the serial number was also a direct link to the Government contract within the fiscal year it was placed, therefore the application of an 'American' number to a 'British' aircraft would be a little pointless. British aircraft supplied to the V-VS were delivered in Russian markings, and their is evidence to suggest they were pressed into operation without delay, only receiving Russian colour schemes etc, if at all, when time allowed.
Hope this makes sense, I'm afraid my brain is not fully in gear, as I have been awake for about41 hours!!
I think Soviet aircraft had construction numbers but I don't recall seeing any actually painted on the aircraft. Photographs of both British and American aircraft often show them retaining their original serial numbers but others have them painted out which suggest they were of no interest to the Soviets.

Aircraft sent to the USA for evaluation were given FE (foreign evaluation) numbers. Photographs of US Spitfire vary. Some have the original serial numbers in the original place some repainted on the fin. Some have only the numeric part repainted. There are also examples where the CBAF construction number was painted on the fin above the serial number. I think this may have been done so that it was easier for the original identity to be recognised when they were handed back.

Over 1,000 Spitfires and Seafires served with the US Air Force and Navy. Those that have been identified are listed in the Air Britain publication Spitfire International. There is a brief history, where it is known, of each. Likewise those Spitfires sent to the USSR. In neither case does it list any serial numbers allocated to them. If that had been the case the publication would surely list them.

Hello wh1skea,

AFAIK there is no such list existing, only on spec airplane types.

For example here is complete list of the P-47 serial numbers which were been delivered to the USSR during the WW2:

11 ZBAP:
P-47D-22-RE :
42-25611 and 42-26633 ,
next delivery:

42-25541, 543-7, 552, 553, 555, 557, 559, 560-564, 566-568, 570, 574, 576-580, 582, 583, 586, 591, 594, 595, 600-610, 612, 614-617, 619-628, 631, 634, 636-638 , -27015, 018, 019, 021, 0222, 025-029, 031-033, 037, 038, 042-044, 050, 052-055, 058, 061, 116, 117, 123, 129, 130-132, 134, 140, 141, 144, 149, 150, 154, 156, 157, 159, 160,162 and 163

next delivery:
42-25551, 587, 590 and 593

If I find any info on other airplane types , I'll post it here asap.

42-27136 и 42-27146
Ok, here are the serial numbers of all Hurricane IID been delivered to Russia:

first delivery on 4th sept 1943:

KX165, 173, 294, 296, 298,

7 sept:
12 sept
- KX177, 230, 303,
13 sept - KX299,
21 sept - KX175, 181, 225, 250, 301, 423, 463, 466, 866,
25 okt - KX166. 172, 865,
27 sept - KX248, 418. 465232

KX140, 167, 169, 231, 233, 293, 297. 300, 415, 420, 461, 462. 468, 864, HW722, 724, KW773, 777 and PS444, 790

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