delcyros said:But back to the turning datas. Soren, you still failed to provide own datas about it.
Own data's ? Have you read Hans Werner Lerche's (Luftwaffe test-pilot) book ? He flew virtually all captured Allied aircraft and most German types, including experimental models.
The slats are described but in howfar do they work? We need datas to compare them.
What do you mean the slats arent fully described ? I've already presented you all the facts about how the automatic slats work. What more do you want ? Their piece by piece description ?
To put it simple; The 'automatic slats' work at all speeds, and their deployment depends on the wings AoA.
200 mp/h are not that bad for a Fw-190 to turn sustainably.
Come on ! your quoting the 109E to have just as bad a turn-rate as the Fw-190A, which is just not true !
The 190's turn-rate numbers are very suspicious aswell.
Actually I have these numbers from a Rechlin test (Fw-190A). If there is something wrong with them I would like to know.
So where did you get the 109 numbers from ? Cause they certainly don't compare to the ones I've seen before !
Roll data's cannot be calculated exactly by comparing pure data's. We need statistics about different speeds and altitudes for them.
No but accurate assumptions can be made from them.