War bird lands on highway

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Sad, the media is completely clueless when it comes to aviation matters. From what I have heard, it was a T-6. I also heard about a BT-19 that went down yesterday with 2 on board. The pilot was treated and released. His wife suffered 2 badly broken legs and a head injury. She was trapped in the rear seat and had to be cut out. Hopefully, she will have a speedy recovery.
Talked to a guy today that new the pilot of the T-6. Guess he blew and oil line. Thats the reason for the emergency landing.
Good to hear it's nothing to serious for the T-6, Micdrow. You over at Osh this week?

Yep, Got my 7 day pass yesterday. Very interesting this year. Not so much as a lot of the same planes but a very good mixture of aircraft. Seen my first tigercat yesterday. Never relized how big that thing is. What a monster in size. They are expecting 10,000 plus aircraft this year with around 250 to 300 warbirds of all years makes and models.

So far the big draw is Ron Fagens newly restored P-38. They actually finsihed painting her at the airshow. Mainly the name Ruff Stuff. Kinda neat the painter was dressed up in a WWII mechanic outfit. You know its new when the inspection stickers are all over it. Ive never seen inspection stickers before on a warbird. Little round white stickers all over the place with the inspectors number on it. Hopefully in a few days I will have pictures. Im still old fashion as I still use 35mm film. Although I saw one person using one of those old western camera's on some aircraft. Neat looking camera.

The YF-22 raptors come in today so that should be interesting.

When I left yesterday this was the list of WWII aircraft I had seen
F7F TigerCat
P-51's Models A, D, and K Around 15 sitting around of different models
5 B-25's
Pair of Corsairs
SB2C Helldiver
Supermairne Spitfire
Grumman Duck
Yak 11
Lots of L-4's and L-5's

Any way got to go, getting ready to head out the door.
I saw the video clip on "Good Morning America" this morning (Tues.). Quite
a job of putting it down safely. Shame he did hit a couple of road signs.

Looks like another good show up there. I saw some pics of the P-38, I think on WIX. I am going to try and get out there next year, if I can swing it.

Just got home, very tired. 7:30 to 5:00 long is time at airshow. 5 days to go. Glacier Girl came into today along with a pair of bear cats and a wild cat plus more mustangs, typhoons and every thing else, brain is fried. Love to meet you evangilder. The more the merry I say. At least now at the eaa there are really no restictions about the war bird area. Every one is free to browse there area.

The other good news is I was able to pick up a copy of a B-26 marauder manual A and B bombardament aircraft for $8.00. When I get a chance I will scan it for the manual area.
You da man!!!!!!

Actually Joe, thats just one manual I picked up. Below are others.

TG-3A Glider Erection and Maintance manual
TG-3A Pilot manual
Grumman F6F Hellcat part number list manual Section II

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