Wasn't sure where to put this...but hats off to our Dutch friends for this remarkable memorial which was opened last month. It commemorates the airmen who crashed in the IJsselmeer in WW2, and remain missing unto this day.
"A broken wing lies in a place where it does not really belong; just as the missing airmen have remained in a place, far away from their loved ones, where they do not really belong."
So...a heartfelt THANK YOU to the people of the Netherlands for refusing to forget. Bless you all!
"A broken wing lies in a place where it does not really belong; just as the missing airmen have remained in a place, far away from their loved ones, where they do not really belong."
Troost voor nabestaanden 220 vermiste vliegeniers met nationaal monument
Tot op de dag van vandaag zijn er nog veel geallieerde vliegeniers vermist die tijdens WO2 boven het IJsselmeer werden neergeschoten.
So...a heartfelt THANK YOU to the people of the Netherlands for refusing to forget. Bless you all!