Westland Wessex scale plans?

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Benevolens Magister
Aug 24, 2008
Cheshire, UK
I don't suppose anyone has a scale plan for the Wessex HC2 helicopter, do they?
I've just ordered the Revell 1/48th scale Wessex HAS3, which I'll convert to the HC2 RAF Rescue chopper- that's the one with the twin Gnome gas-turbine engines, and the protruding 'chin' intake.
I've tried getting the '4+' book on the Wessex, which is the only source I know off for the plans, but it's currently unavailable.
I don't mind what scale the plans are, as I can re-scale them, as long as they have side and front elevations of the intake, so that I can make a mould for it. Otherwise, I'll have to make it working from photos.
Thanks in anticipation.
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Thanks very much Evan. I've got a link to that from Wojtek now, and have also managed to get the 'Warpaint' book, so I should now be sorted - or will be when the kit arrives!
Don't you just the love the mutual support on this forum?! Great stuff !!

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