What are you listening to....the 7th Chapter.

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I went to YouTube and listened to Type O Negative - Black No. 1
(Little Miss Scare -All). I guess it's ok if that's what you like.

My reason for asking.... I work with 8 auto techs, and each one has his
own CD player. One even plays Poverotti.... but of all the names I saw
listed, I recognized one. CCR's Bad moon rising. Isn't that the one
that sez, "There's a bathroom on the right" ?

We have two black tech's and they listen to "Rap". The others listen
to all kinds of music (?), but I didn't recognize any of the groups.
I think I've heard Metalica somewhere in the back of my mind, but
don't know what they do.

I did not mean to "tick" anyone off. I"m an old fuddy-duddy who
likes his music slow and toned down to a little below "riot".

Glenn Miller, anyone ?

Now Heinz, explain why AC/DC are overrated

As Marcel pointed out there music is not very challenging to play. If I recall correctly Angus only uses 3 chords anyhow.

Dont take me wrong AC/DC is a great Classic Band, I love them as well and they are one of my favorites, but in the hard rock world there are plenty of bands out there that are much better such as Metallica, Megadeth, Iron Maiden, etc...
no AC/DC is awrsome their most popular album Back In Black is in the top ten most popular albums of all time. (As far as i know anyway) I recently bought the collectors edition of the album and it was great.
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