What Are You Listening To???

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A very old song named "Sometime to Madness" by "Shagayegh". She was a Singer in 1930's and 40's.

A literal translation:

O gone through hypocrisy
My way separated from yours

Do not call my name anymore

From the rivalry of stone and crock
Do not tell legends in my ear anymore

O mirror-breaking stone
Finally you've broken my heart

Stop talking like this

From the rivalry of stone and crock
Do not tell legends in my ear anymore

Remember that memory
That our first kiss

You said: I fell in love
I said that the scent of jasmine is like a deception

You said I am loyal to you
As long as I live, I am your companion

I said I don't believe
I'm out of your words

Do not sit in my house
You've sat down to another's house

Break my measure
You're drunk by another's measure

I accepted this disgraceful love
How crazy I was

Leave me
Go bother another madman

Sometime to madness
I was in your arms

Those times are over
I became forgotten by you

Then the drunks
Became aware of this

It was the end of the dream
Awakening, awakening

Oh familiar
With this story
For God's sake

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