What Are You Listening To???

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Well, this is not actually listening, it is reading- as if anyone does this any more. "Tales of Soldiers and Civilians" by Ambrose Bierce is an excellent collection of short stories about the Civil War. Bierce knew firsthand what he was talking about, having served as a 1st LT in the Civil War and experiencing extensive combat.

"An Occurrance At Owl Creek Bridge", "What I Saw of Shiloh", "A Horseman in the Sky", "One of the Missing", and "Chickamauga" are among his most famous. I think Bierce is the writer who best describes what war actually is. The weapons, technology, and causes may change but the psychology of the soldier is eternal.

Well, this is not actually listening, it is reading- as if anyone does this any more. "Tales of Soldiers and Civilians" by Ambrose Bierce is an excellent collection of short stories about the Civil War. Bierce knew firsthand what he was talking about, having served as a 1st LT in the Civil War and experiencing extensive combat.

"An Occurrance At Owl Creek Bridge", "What I Saw of Shiloh", "A Horseman in the Sky", "One of the Missing", and "Chickamauga" are among his most famous. I think Bierce is the writer who best describes what war actually is. The weapons, technology, and causes may change but the psychology of the soldier is eternal.

I remember watching Occurance at Owl Creek Bridge when I was in school.
History class, I think it was. Required viewing back then.
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