What music are you listening to...Part V

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Chick music and great catchy tunes. I own three of their albums. First two are the best. Not quite as over produced as the later albums. Steve Perry though is tough to watch. Just listen.

Joe Satriani - Gnaach
Wish you were here-Mark harris

Call me the odd ball here I don't care darn it! I love that song!
I know this isn't the approriate place, but Gnomey - your signature about the British (or English) taking on the Romans, Saxons and Danes is confusing. Since the Norweigan and Danish Vikings managed to conquer and settle in many parts of the British Isles, before being beaten by a Saxon who's people had come over through partial conquest in the 5th Century, which in turn had fought the Romans who had conquered practically all of the British Isles before them.

Sorry, but it hardly seems the indigienous people of the British Isles had much chance against anyone in the early days. We did, however, defeat the Romans eventually due to the Briton-Romano, Saxon and Celtic assaults on their holdings. And the Saxons were defeated by the Normans. Plus the Vikings were forced to accept Christianity - but still ...they conquered us. Although the Norman "conquest" was actually a reclaiming of the throne from Harold who was not part of the Royal House. William I at least was, and did was the heir after supporting Edward against the Welsh.

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