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I always wonder, if the press-term that stick to the Deutschlands was inappropriate; they were dubbed as 'pocket-battleships', but for all practical purposes, they were pocket-battlecruisers.
Actually they remind of the WW1 armoured cruiser which could overwhelm any light cruiser if they could catch her but were too slow to get out of the way of battle cruisers. Actually a "normal" CL or CA would need to be really backed into a corner to have a sraight up fight with a Scheer. If they did not want to fight the Scheer could not force her to as she was too slow. Guess it boils down to definition of a cruiser or" it depends on what the definition of the word is is" LOL
It is obvious Del, that the Scheers were not designed as cruiser hunters as they could not catch them. Like trying to hunt coyotes with Bassets. It does seem to me that CAs would serve as well for the guerre de course since the 11 inch guns had limited use against merchant vessels. Was the 10000 mile range of the PBs a radius of action? By the way, I believe Tiger was available when the first PB was launched and the four Kongos could catch and defeat them.
It is obvious Del, that the Scheers were not designed as cruiser hunters as they could not catch them. Like trying to hunt coyotes with Bassets. It does seem to me that CAs would serve as well for the guerre de course since the 11 inch guns had limited use against merchant vessels. Was the 10000 mile range of the PBs a radius of action? By the way, I believe Tiger was available when the first PB was launched and the four Kongos could catch and defeat them.
Any design able to "deal" with Pocket BB's speedwise should achieve a design speed of 31.0 Kts min. Most Treaty cruisers qualify. HMS TIGER was rated 29.0 Kts but by the late 20´s it was actually closer to 27.5 Kts due to faulty bottom and engine wear. It does not qualify. Renown Repulse and Hood qualify. The KONGO-class BC´s as designed (27.5 Kts) do not qualify. Kongos was rebuilded starting in 1935 and finished 1938 to fast BB standarts for 30.0 Kts design speed after the Washington Treaty already was expired.
For their time, the three PB´s only had to fear HMS HOOD, HMS RENOWN and HMS REPULSE. Quite a good odd evening measure if You compare the vast number of CA´s and CL´s which a normal CA would be confronted with in this role...
Wait a minute, I think we swapped threads.
My books give it a range of 10,000nm at 15kts which is similar to the G Spee.
I do agree that 2 x 8in CA would give a G Spee a run for its money. I dont think 6in guns would have the punch required. All the serious damage seem to have been caused by the 3 x 8in hits.
Del, the Pensacola class CAs launched in 1929-30 had a RADIUS of action of 13000 miles at 15 knots with 1500 tons of fuel. That is substantially better than the PBs. Of course you are right that the 11 inch guns of the PBs would be a deterrent to an enemy cruiser. The answer to the PBs was of course what actually happened. Several cruisers. Actually I think two well handled CAs would have had a good chance of defeating a PB. The 11 inch guns were as far I know never used against a merchant ship. The 5.9s were all that was needed.
The difficulty the PBs would have with two CAs would be similar to the real battle with GS. GS concentrated her fire from the 11 inchers on what she at first perceived as the only cruiser(thinking the CLs were DDs) As the action progressed the two CLs only had to contend with four 5.9s(see plan of GS) but the CLs were at too great a range to be effective with their 6 inchers. The CLs were on one beam of GS, the CA was on other beam. CA was facing six 11inchers and four 5.9s and the CA could only reply with six 8 inchers. When Harwood ordered the CLs to close( 11000 yards) the GS had to switch the 11 inch guns to the CLs and let the CA only have to deal with the 5.9s. When the CLs withdrew after it got too hot for them then GS finished putting the CA out of action. If you look at the plan of GS, two CAs with their superior speed could force the PB to confront 12 or more 8 inch guns with only three eleven inch guns all in one turret and a few 5.9s. Of course all ships would be altering course to unmask as much of their main battery as possible. The 11 inch guns had a big range advantage over the 8 inch guns but the action at the Plate began at about 20000 yards which was almost at the limit of visiblity but still well within range of the British 8 inch gun.