What Was the worst Aircraft of WWII?

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Actually Les, the British company, BSR invented the compact disc. And the first patent for a jet engine was indeed English.

I have to admit the dentistry bit was funny.

But why the heck did every sandwich in England I ever ate had butter on it?!
I knew this kid that used to put mayonaise on everything; fries, chips, pizza, spaghetti, tacos...anything you can think of, he'd put mayonaise on it.
I was in Zebrugge, Belgium, at a McDonalds, and people were sitting there dippin their fries in Mayo...

And the looks of disgust and amazement I got when I started dippin mine in Ketchup..... They all thought I was the idiot.... How wrong they were....

I like butter on my toast and butter on bread with spaghetti and all, but not on coldcuts.. Thats just sick.....

And I find it enormously hard to believe that the sandwich was first made in Britian....

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