What Was the worst Aircraft of WWII?

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That's good, I was expecting the usual 'why?'. In which I always reply, try living here for 14 years and you'll know what I mean. :lol:
I live in Doncaster, South Yorkshire. Awful place, the race course is as old as the United States - 1776. I used to work in the race course as well, I hated the place (It's a horse race course for people that don't know).

Who said you were all farmers!?!
ok maby not i dont no anyway how can we say it was the worst plane of the war when it didn't even see action did it
Did anyone say the Manchester was the worst plane of the war? I think it was brad that came up with that, most of us are in agreement I think on the B-25 Roc being the worst.
The Breda Ba.65 would get my vote for the worst. A lot of units in the Regia Aeronautica flew and everybody hated it. Underpowered and and the flight caracteristics of a brick.
Nothing the Italians produced en mass was really that outstanding. They had some good designs coming online but most of them only made it to a prototype or testing stage.
How do you think the Breda Ba.65 compares to the B-25 Roc? I mean the Roc wasn't exactly liked, it was just a stupidly poor plane. Little tactical value, and a failure all round.

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