What Was the worst Aircraft of WWII?

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why are some messerschmitts called BF's and some called ME's? cos with planes like the '108, '109 and '110 ive heard both the BF and them ME prefix used, where as with planes such as the '262 and '323, they are just ME's?
I used to know. Obviously the 'Me' is for Messerchmitt, I think the Bf is for Bomber-Fighter. I don't fully know though.
If not that, it's probably another company building them. But I don't know.
Do not take my word for it, honestly I do not know. That is only a guess, Erich or LG will probably shoot me down on the subject.
The Bf in Bf-109 and Bf-110 stood for Bayerische Flugzeugwerke (Bavarian Aircraft Works), which was the company name. Later designs bore the 'Me' prefix to honor Willie Messerschmitt much like the later versions of the Fw-190 became the Ta-152 to honor Kurt Tank.
I was half right since I did get the Bavarian Aicraft Works right.
Now that's out of the way, and everyone still agrees the Roc was pretty bad, and maybe the worst...we're done here.

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