What Was the worst Aircraft of WWII?

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That might prove difficult since the Roc was just built to such a bad specification. At least the Italians never tried to fit a turret to a fighter.
A turret on a recon plane isn't such a bad idea since that is a defensive use of the guns. Turrets for offensive firepower, like on a fighter, were just stupid, novel, but stupid.
I have a BBMF model kit, from a long time ago. I never actually built the models, it's still in the box. One Lancaster, one Spitfire and one Hurricane.
Maybe I should lurk for a little longer, but I wanted to throw another airframe into the fray-- the Me163 Comet.
"Flight Journal" made a pretty good case for the "worst fighter" prize, given the unstable nature of the peroxide fuel, diversion of resources from other projects, low kill rate, difficulty in landing/take-off, and problems with ground handling.
Still, must have been fun while the fuel lasted, even if you were tempted to bail on short final if the landing didn't shape up well.

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