What was the worst Aircraft of WWII?

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The Lancaster was a good bomber, a very good bomber. It saved many lives and surpassed all British heavy bombers but the B-29 was better even if it was a lot later.
that's just it though, the lanc was designed in the early part of the war, i realise the B-29 was to, but the designed was upgraded throught the war, the lancs wasn't, it's technology was, but not the disign............
The Manchester was not a great plane, but it was probably better than any other British bomber in service at the time except for the Wimpy and the Machester had several advantages over the Wimpy. And don't forget that the Lancaster was little more than a Manchester with 4 Merlins instead of 2 Vultures.
Both the Battle and the Roc were worse and so was the TBD Devestator for that matter.
That's all the armament that the B5N Kate carried.
And there is nothing wrong with liking a sucky plane, just realize that it sucked.
That's a bit hard to say. The Stuka had a better weapons load since the Battle was mostly limited to 250lb bombs. But that Battle also never really benefitted from the aircover that the Stuka got.

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