Where to buy kits and aftermarket parts.

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Sep 12, 2012
Warrington, UK
On other forums i've used they've sometimes produced stickies listing websites where you can get kits and after market parts from.
its usually in this format.

Kits -
www.this site.com - good range of X
www.that site.com - great for X

After market -
www.this site.com - specialises in...
www.that site.com

Kits -
www.this site.com
www.that site.com

After market -
www.this site.com
www.that site.com

europe.. etc.

Apologies if this is already in place but i just figured it would be useful for modellers to be able to grab kits and parts that they might like if they weren't sure about some of the fantastic resources that are out there.
another option is to buy directly from the manufacturer, go to the page as eduard, part, ect, ect, ect ........ according to which things are best to go elsewhere.
I do not buy much photoetches but hannats is one of the first stores to look or ask.

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