Honourably banned
- 44,241
- Mar 26, 2007
Thanks G Geoffrey Sinclair always a pleasure reading your replies.The data I have says 150 P-40F (FL219 to FL368), 56 P-40L-5 and 44 P-40L-10 (FS400 to FS499) = 250 mark II for the RAF of which only FL219/41-13752 and FL220/41-13755 went to Britain, the rest to the Middle East apart from the 21 P-40F lost at sea. The P-40F were delivered in the US April to July 1942, exported May to July, the P-40L were delivered January to March 1943, exported February to May. The USAAF and RAF operated the Merlin P-40 while the French received some ex RAF and USAAF aircraft for training,
FL219 and 220 are probably the 2 P-40 Kittyhawk reported arriving in Britain in June 1942. FL219 Struck off Charge 26 July 1946, FL220 category E 20 May 1944.
The P-40E-1 was the export version of the P-40E, the P-40K-1 the export version of the P-40K. There were no long fuselage P-40E or E-1. P-40E-1 production began in December 1941, P-40E production ended and P-40F production began in January 1942, P-40K-1 began in May 1942, P-40E-1 production ended in June. The first longer fuselage were P-40F-5, 41-14300 accepted on 26 August 1942 and P-40K-10, 42-9930 accepted 27 September 1942.
There is no overlap between P-40E and F production but 6 months of parallel P-40E-1 and F production. The E-1/Kittyhawk IA had both USAAF and RAF serials 420 a/c 41-24776/25195, 1080 a/c 41-35874/36953 or 900 a/c ET100/ET999, 600 a/c EV100/EV699.
What are the serial numbers of the P-40E (or E-1?) reported with the two lights in the top right corner of the instrument panel?