White Swan or Ugly Duckling? The Harbin SH-5.

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Oct 12, 2011
Hi Guys,

The latest addition to my walkaround site is this gem from China, the Harbin SH-5. When I planned my trip to the PRC, I really wanted to go see this big bird, so I was pleased to be able to do this walkaround. Link to the site below, including a description and service use of the type, which might not be so familiar to all. Enjoy.

SH-5 01

SH-5 02

SH-5 06

SH-5 53

SH-5 73

SH-5 83

Link to SH-5 information and photos:
Warbirds | Warbirds Walkaround
Nice photos and article Grant.

I remember this only being known in the West in the late 1980s despite the first flight being in 1976. William Green described it as a "leisurely development process"...


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