Who is the best actor in a War Movie?

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I dont know his name, but I like the Sniper guy from Saving Private Ryan. He kicks ass...
Barry Pepper- he was also one of the death row guards in "The Green Mile"--Don't know if he was/is a "Southpaw" as shown in the movie, handling the sniper Springfield 1903 (and in the final scenes, firing 7 rounds w/o reloading from the bell tower at the Germans below-- I also wonder how accurate the detachable scopes (he used 3 different ones in the course of that movie) and of course, the 1903, like the M-1 Garand, the M-1 carbine, were all designed for right handed shooters. When he had a scope on the 1903, he had to clear the tube with his left hand to operate the bolt. Still a great movie.
Finished watching the whole series on DVD (again) last week. I like all the characters but especially Winters, Speirs, Lipton and Guarnerre.
I agree 100%- the only part of that mini-series I question was Winters ordering Cpl. Leibgott (who was the unofficial interpreter-fluent in German) to escort 11 captured Germans back to Bn. HQ-and had Liebgott remove his ammo belt, unload the full clip from his Garand, and load only One Round in the chamber-in plain sight of the captured Germans. Putting one man at risk of being over-run by a greater number of the enemy. Especially risky if the Germans were Waffen SS troops-Was this just "Hollywood drama?" or realistic from actual combat history in the ETO-1944? Also, Captain Richard Spiers was said to have escorted some number of captured Germans-Spiers carrying a Thompson SMG, also a 1911-A-1 pistol- had them take a rest break, handed out an American cigarette to each German that wanted one, and while they were smoking, he emptied his SMG into the group, and killed them. Direct violation of the Geneva Convention?? If both these "scenarios" are true- how does a enlisted man (Liebgott) get restricted to 1 single round for his rifle, when a junior Officer can shoot to death unarmed soldiers who have surrendered? Anyone have any insight into this??
Richard Todd for me.

Has to be Richard Todd for realism. After all, not many actors had the chance to play themselves in a war film. In reality he was one of the officers involved in the capture of Pegasus Bridge and the fighting off of a number of counter attacks. In the film 'The Longest Day' he was offered the part of himself but turned it down for another part in the film.

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