Why am i struggling to Trim my aircraft ?

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Mar 24, 2009
Hi all

Im relatively new to IL-2 1946, but have picked up on the basics so far.
One problem I have is trimming - I have 2 trim wheels on my joystick for Aileron and Elevator (I assume rudder is not needed normally), but I struggle to get the aircraft to fly straight. Ive tried different sensitivity settings on the joystick, but no luck.

I dont like using the autopilot to trim, but this is the only way I can navigate in a straight line between 2 points. If I fly manually, I have to continually correct by fairly large amounts.

Are the any suggestions on trimming ? Am I missing something basic ? Is it perhaps my equipment ?
Or perhaps using the Autopilot is the norm ?

(Im flying Spitfire and Corsair missions)
To be honest i think you do need the rudder to adjust a littlebit from left to right (especial at takeoff), but the other thing is the wind i think. My plane (what ever i use) always keeps tilting to one side when flying and i needs corecting always from left to right and up and down. I just put the "elevator trim negative/positive on my joystick so i can adjust that as it keeps climbing if i dont. Same goes for the flaps you can adjust these in the air. But if you dont have enough buttons you might wanna use the keyboard for that.

*dont know if i'm 100% right about the wind derection, but i'm 100% positive about the flaps and elevator adjustment!
Hi and welcome jaxx.

Some tips on trim: (ok, what I do )

Firstly, forget about Aileron Trim for now. It is mostly on American planes, most axis or UK planes doesn't have it.

Rather have Rudder Trim in place of Aileron Trim, as this is the one you use the most to counter torque, especially on take off.

Elevator Trim is used to trim your aircraft for level/climb/nose down trim. I use my momo racing wheel for Elevator Trim. It works fantastic and have not even bothered in modding my Elevator Trim unit, just uses the wheel!!.

Most of my flight controls are completely modded, I did post it here some time ago, but it was still in its infancy, and is completely different now.
Actually my BF109 3/4 scale cockpit is nearly done, for all my HOTAS to go in!!!
I'll post pics when I'm done, as I want to use it as a guide for fellow sim pilots that want to have custom HOTAS

Just a note on Aileron Trim. It is really a fantastic option on the planes that does have it. I love flying long odd missions in my fav '38 and usually I will fly for up 2-3 hours on one mission barely touching the yoke as I only use my trim buttons to fly!


BTW: do read this http://web.comhem.se/~u85627360/inpursuit.pdf
it is a fantastic read, wonderful training manual and bible to all sim pilots
Thanks all for the suggestions.

Eddie : Ive skimmed through this guide, but got a little lost in all the technicalities... but will give it a go again.

I do use rudder trim on takeoff, but never tried trimming rudder to keep the plane heading straight - will give it a bash. I was wondering if it is even possible to keep the plan trimmed as well as the AI does ?
Have you modded your installation? If not, please visit All Aircraft Arcade :: Index

Your sim wil improve x10 000 times. The AI mod is probably one of the best mods that this sim has seen so far, needless to mention all the new maps, skins and aircraft. I think I have over 320 flyable planes in my sim. If you new to the AAA site, just remember that these guys DO NOT mod unrealistic things and they keep this sim as realistic if not more realistic than before.

Not modded yet - from what I understand only the unmodded version works on the online servers, so a little put off by the fact that I will need two installations.

Other than AI, maps and Planes, are there improvements on the flight model ?
Not modded yet - from what I understand only the unmodded version works on the online servers, so a little put off by the fact that I will need two installations.

Other than AI, maps and Planes, are there improvements on the flight model ?

Oh yes, there is not enough space here to mention all the improvements.

There is servers for the 4.09 mod, there is also a mod switcher that you download to switch between modded(4.09 ) and unmodded(4.08 )versions.

Rather fly in the 4.09 servers. Alot of improved flight models. ALOT of planes for historical correct dogfights, etc: in the unmodded version you'll have Spit MkV against the 109Emils, but in reality they were fighting Spit Mk1's. Also the sound of the engines has improved immensely. In all honesty, just see the mod version as a massive improvement patch.

Just last night I dropped an atomic bomb on the Russels Islands and blew 54 ships to pieces. The map I used is the "Slot" available for download and the "B29 Silverplate" available for download. Also all the planes that are unflyable, will be flyable after the install.

Give it a try, Ill be here at forums if you need any help.

BTW where do you stay?


ps. they are also creating planes from WW1 and planes of Korean War(oh the F86 is soooo lovely) so soon this sim will have a 1914-1953 timeframe!!
Thanks Edd,

I think Ill give it a try, after your recommendation
Might be a good opportunity to switch to 6-DOF as well...

Im based in JHB btw.
Thanks Edd,

I think Ill give it a try, after your recommendation
Might be a good opportunity to switch to 6-DOF as well...

Im based in JHB btw.

Oh completely forgot about 6-DOF!! right up there with the AI mod!! What tracking programme do you use?

How is your download line? I have most of the mods on DVD. I have lot of BUDS in JHB(metalscene as I'm muso myself) and can always send it down from Nelspruit

Thanks for the offer Edd,

Im using Freetrack, with a very simple single IR-LED cap which works well for now... will need to upgrade to a 3 point cap with the Mod. Im just a little concerned that it might increase CPU Load - running a 2.4Ghz AMD Athlone , with Alacrity PC.

Ill try downloading the mods at work - if im not successful I just might take you up on the offer.
I also use Freetrack. 3point-cap really doesnt make that big difference than 1point-cap on framerate. When you use 3-point for the first time, it is fantastic!! It is just a little tricky to set it up for first time, but it is worth the time

Yeah, use the office for downloads, so much better than destroying your own cap

I might be wrong, but I think some if not all German fighters only have elevator trim and no rudder trim?

Anyway, I start trimming once I get airborne and at a good speed. Start with rudder and observe the turn/bank indicator to correct slip and bank. Then trim elevator for level flight and as the speed increases, trim again. Fine tune your rudder trim and if needed, add some aileron trim to counter that last bit of roll. I have rudder and elevator on the rotaries, but aileron can be handled with keys (I have ctrl+cursor left/right)

And yeah, the 38 is a doddle to trim.
The trimming took me a while to get right. If you don't have a wheel axis on your joystick you can use your mouse wheel, works very well. I'm saving for a saitek and rudder pedals , it seems to me it makes things a bit easier.Damn expensive to just look like a virtual pilot,I'd better start to fly like one!

And that cap...yea. I wish we could have a multiplay lobby hosted locally, cause we can still visit local sites even when cap is completely gone (I wonder if that makes local sites free then,they never show it on the bills, i'd better ask).maybe we should see if that can happen.

EB, i bought 1946 a few days ago to replace my il2fb and pf. Ihave some of the mods already but cap...gone. won't you be willing to send me a copy of that dvd if you have the 4.09 patch and I pay the shipping? Another 3gb is outrageous.
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No problems mate! Let me know which you want. I still have about another 1.5GiG of AAA downloads that needs to go to dvd!

No problems mate! Let me know which you want. I still have about another 1.5GiG of AAA downloads that needs to go to dvd!


I have the
forgotten countries 1.02 no ui
6dof mod v2
mod activator v5_2_il2_4_08
mods, and found the download for 4.09bm i was busy with(thought I lost it) and surprisingly it's actually halfway. So I'll try finish it.

Anything else that's good?
I've got the uss enterprise campaign and a mig-15 campaign i'm trying to get running(apparently need the 4.09)If there's anything else u think i should have Let me know.

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