"Why is there a Bucket on your nose Mr. DOODLEBUG??"

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Wow! It gets better! Both the V1 and V2 would be great to read. I don't think I would be alone on that one. If you intend to post any of that information then please put me on the mailing list. (Just in time for Christmas!)
Wow! It gets better! Both the V1 and V2 would be great to read. I don't think I would be alone on that one. If you intend to post any of that information then please put me on the mailing list. (Just in time for Christmas!)
I must compliment you on your refreshing attitude, some here would rear up and defend a debunked position ad infinitum, but you've chosen the path of knowledge (and cordiality I might add), kudos to you.
The V1 was known as a flying bomb, most bombs were transported and stored with special protection and in a condition where they couldn't be damaged or set off.
Exactly - the V1 was literally a bomb with wings. Like any ordnance that requires a fuse/detonator, it will not be shipped with it's triggering system installed.
The one in Post #30 is listed in the Monogram book as being a manned Re4 version that had an unmanned version nose attached just for photo purposes. They never built any like that.
There were quite a few Fi103Rs seen with the "Bucket" on the nose
Either version would employ the same detonator mechanism in the same nose cone, the piloted version would not need the distance measuring apparatus, of course.

That is another shot of the same Re4 with the nose off the stock missile. The Monogram book shows the Re4 manned version as having a distinctly different nose, using a plywood nose cone with a cap on the front, like a helmet stuck on it.

The nose distance measuring turbine could be used to drive an odograph to provide navigation. I imagine the pilots weren't going to be great navigators and would use the auto-pilot most of the way.

Is there anything in the manual about the compartments that could discharge propaganda leaflets? Ive always though the V1 would be a useful way of discharging windows/chaff
The Re4 version was not going to be used just like any missile. It was going to be used only for high value targets and thus would have a special warhead and a different nose.

While it did not have the autopilot and air log device, it did have an electrically powered gyrocompass. I can only imagine that visual pilotage navigation given that tiny canopy and the limited view allowed past that long nose and wings ideally situated to interfere with seeing the ground would have been all but impossible in that fast moving little nightmare. So the gyrocompass was essential.

The two seat version would have offered not only opportunities for training but also a more cost effective way to get rid of fanatical Nazis.

Notice that only the manned versions had ailerons; the stock unmanned missiles did not.

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