why was hartman Bf 109 G6 radiator only partly painted yellow?

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aurelien wolff

Airman 1st Class
Sep 20, 2018
Hello, guetting tempted by the border kit (due to the weirdness of the scale ), I'd like to maybe do hartman G6 and by curiosity, is there any rason why only part of its radiator was yellow?

Thanks for your answers!
Sorry, I
I haven't a clue, but am interested as well. The reason for this reply is to encourage you to post some photos of this build as well as some kit details. I, like you, am interested in this line (manufacturer) and scale is not an issue with me, just fit and finish potential.
I haven't got the kit yet, I intend to get it for my birthday (or christmas), I hesitate a bit with the barkhirn one but a hartmann at this scale would be original for my collection.

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