I have a copy of a post war manual for 'Gun, Automatic, .50 calibre, M2' and the rate of fire is given as between 750 and 850 rpm. All kinds of things can affect the RoF of a weapon, from the build quality or factory it was made in, atmospheric conditions, ammunition quality, type of belting, type of ammunition being fired ect ect.
I think the lower RoFs were for the ground based versions of the "Ma Duece", somewhere between about 450-600, depending on the exact version and the adjustments made to the guns.
Interestingly, the US AN-M2 20mm (the US version of the 20mm Hispano Mk II) gives the RoF for the gun as 600-700 rpm. The RAAF ordanance guys used to competitively 'tune' the 20mm fitted to their Beaufighters, getting as high as 1,000 rpm in firing tests ( the winner with the fastest firing cannon got a crate of whisky). As the .50 Browning was quite suceptiable to armourers adjustments, I'm sure it could of been 'tuned' up to that level or maybe even higher. Reliability would be something of an issue though.