You have a couple of things going on with the MK 108 cannon, The rate of fire wasn't really that bad, it just wasn't anything above average. However in the Me 163 you had a shorter time of engagement. Now we go back to the velocity, is was about the slowest but then it is a 30mm shell so velocity doesn't fall off quite as bad as some 20mm ( I repeat, SOME). However the speed of the Me 163 was such that the pilot only had a short period of time to fire between when he got into effective range and and when he had to pull up or otherwise maneuver the plane to avoid a collision. A higher velocity gun would have allowed firing sooner and thus extended firing time, a faster firing gun would have allowed more shells to be fired in the same period of time, increasing the chances or number of hits.
Just for illustrations sake, I am making up numbers here, you have the Me 163 doing 500mph and the prop plane doing 400mph. The rocket plane on a stationary target has 25% less firing time with the same gun, adjust as you see fit for tail chase, nose attack, attack from the side. Rocket plane with it's higher speed may have to pull the guns off target sooner than the prop plane further shorting the firing time. Like I said. shorter time of engagement
The Gun was destructive, it was available, it just might not have been the best possible choice for the Me 163, although it may have been the best choice of what the germans had available.
As for the 109E vs the 1940 bombers?
Slower fighter may mean a longer time of engagment and/or a longer time to line up the shot/firing opportunity.
One thing that also caught my attention was the reference to lack of accuracy associated with MK 108. I did find this link which referenced a large arc associated with the shells.
Rheinmetall-Borsig MK 108 30mm cannon Luft '46 entry
As well as this link
Mk 108 Cannon
Which gives better detail to the shell drop and how close an aircraft needed to be accurate.
The second article states that an aircraft needed to be within 200 - 300 meters to be effective. For an aircraft traveling at 800 Kph +/- that leaves very little shooting time.
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