ww2 help

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Senior Airman
Sep 6, 2018
Hi my name's Ash, im 40 years of age from north wales. I need help. I'll explain about myself before I get into what I need help with. I'm disabled, I suffered head injury when I was younger due to a road traffic accident which left me disabled and in a wheelchair. I went to Chester few weeks ago and met my mate there, I went to the model shop as I like having a go at building ww2 aircraft models. I bought an airfix FokeWolf 190, my mate Rob gave a lot of info about the plane as he knows a lot about ww2, something I didn't know. I asked him what area of ww2 does he know abit about, he replied he knows a lot a ww2 European Theatre. I was thinking about what he said about ww2 European theatre, that I'm interested in ww2 aircraft which is something i'd like to learn about but european theatre is something different that I'd like to explore. Because of my head injury I find information difficult to grasp, I was searching world war 2 europe but the information wasn't sinking in. Can you suggest how I can just get the broad outline of ww2 europe? I can easily remember dates.
The Focke-Wulf Fw190 was a solid fighter produced by Germany and you should have a great deal of enjoyment assembling it.
It was used during the war in Europe from 1941 until 1945, being one of Germany's primary fighters as well as serving with Hungary, who was one of several nations aligned with Germany.
Welcome to our digital home away from home. We are a dysfunctional lot here, but we try our best.

Please feel free to read through the forum, there is a ton of knowledge here, and a ton of very knowledgeable people. Feel free to ask as many questions as you like. The members here love to share their knowledge.

Just don't stare at Jan (Lucky13). He might get a little excited.
Welcome Ash. Lots of great people here with lots of good information. Heck I think I've learned more from the guys here in 6 months than 10 years previous.
If I may make a suggestion. I think it would be helpful to get a book on the general history of ww2. It will help put the aviation history in context and I believe make it easier to understand whats going on and why.
One good one is "The second world war, a complete history" I just checked over on Amazon and a used copy can be had for 8 bucks.
Good to have you aboard.

I do have a dumb question for you. You say that it's sometimes difficult for you to grasp information. Is that primarily the written word or do you also have problems when looking at photos, maps and diagrams? What about verbal information (eg audio books)? I only ask because we might be able to point you in a good direction if there's a particular way of receiving information that works better for you.
i can remember images and short facts better than reading long text. For example, it was suggested to me that a friend of mine when she studied from books, she put sentences into questions and answers, that way she could remember information. I like history so i put sentences from my book into questions and to this day i remember the dates, names of kings and where they reigned.
Maybe a book like this might be a good place to start. It's specifically about aces that flew the Fw 190 on the Western Front (ie over Europe) but it contains a lot of captioned photos and diagrams of colour schemes.

I know it's not a general history of WW2 in Europe...but it's perhaps a start.

There's also a rather old "Pictorial History of the Second World War" which might have some useful info. It's a 10-volume set which might be a bit pricy to buy in one go (Amazon has a full set for $100) but individual volumes cost as little as $5 on second-hand book websites like Abebooks.

Hope this is of some use.
im reading chapter one, im lost, it's confusing and i don't understand it.
for weeks and moths past, with clenched fists and gritted teeth, you have had to endure the outrages and provocations. Who has had to endure? Theres a lot of info
that was a part from the book, the whole chapter is confusing, what is it going on about?
The first chapter is a kind of an intro. The author of the book wanted to shade light on the period of time when the Allied pilots met the first time the new Nazi German fighter called Focke Wulf Fw-190. It is also an introduction to the history of one of the best German fighter . Therefore you may find the 1937 year for instance because it's the date when the designer of the Fw 190, Kurt Tank started the project.
so the osprey books are good to start with?
so the osprey books are good to start with?

Yes these are. But I have to tell you that the series of books may be too detailed for you. Each book of the series contains quite a lot of details but for particilar topic. In other words these aren't the source of the general knowledge in the sense. But these are very detailed small parts of the entire WW2 Aviation History To get the general knowledge you have to collect all of the books. As a result it may be too much for you. I hope I explained that well.

However if you don't undestand anything from the books, please feel free to ask. I'm sure you can find the help here.

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