WW2 soldier gets his medals almost 80 years later

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There have been a number of these medals issued recently to Vietnam vets who they "somehow" forgot to give medals to even tho paying their veterans pensions.

This is the first ww2 one I have heard of but I suspect there will be more even tho most ww2 vets have passed on.
There have been a number of these medals issued recently to Vietnam vets who they "somehow" forgot to give medals to even tho paying their veterans pensions.

This is the first ww2 one I have heard of but I suspect there will be more even tho most ww2 vets have passed on.
As far as I know after WW2 former soldiers (British anyway) had to apply for their medals so the 'MOD' knew where to send them. After my father returned from the Far East in 1946, applying for medals was not a priority. In the late 1980s I got him to apply for them and the MOD sent them, I got them mounted at the Garrison Tailors where I was based at the time. Although I don't think he ever wore them at any event. I doubt that he was that unusual.


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