WWI Aces Flying WWII Planes (3 Viewers)

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Sep 25, 2024
Hello everyone!
When I think of an ace from the First World War who flew planes in the Second World War, I only think in Ernst Udet.
Were there any others?
It must have been a real shock, going from a plane that barely reached 200km/h to one that exceeded 500km/h.
Sous-Lieutenant Maurice Arnoux : 5 victories during WW1.
Commandant in 1940, died on june 6, 1940 when his MS 406 confronted 7 Me 109s and was shot down.

Sergent André Dubonnet : 6 victories. A well off heir of the Dubonnet aperitive company, and also known as a flamboyant car racer, inventor and sportman.
As a Lieutenant, he flew MS 406 in june in 1940 with Groupe de Chasse GC I/2.
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Doing some research I found another one.
Theodor "Theo" Osterkamp was one of the rare cases to be an ace in two World Wars. Theo shot down 32 aircraft in the First World War, and between the Battle of France and the Battle of Britain he managed to shoot down six more enemy aircraft. He was later promoted to general and retired from flying.
Below we see from left to right, Galland, Mölders and Osterkamp.
There were many, many more than that.
I've got a book 'Over the Front' a complete record of fighter aces of the US and French air services, its got short biographies of each man, and this is just of the men who were aces in WW1.
Just opened to a random page, Harvey Weir Cook, flew with 94th aero, 7 victories, died in 1943 in a P-40 in New Zealand.
another page, Eugene Seeley Coler, 16 victories WW1, also served with the 319 Bomb Group in WW2.
There has to be hundreds of them, and that's just from the ones who made ace in WW1.
There are so many with noted WW2 service but no details, I can't list them all
Lionel Alexandre Pierre DeMarmier Lt. 6 victories WW1, fought in the Spanish civil war, and was recalled to French service for WW2, commanded a Polish squadron, shot 3 Luftwaffe aircraft, escaped to England joined the Free French as a Lieutenant Colonel, died in a aviation accident 1944.
There is much more to these hero's than this book covers, it gives pretty good details of their WW1 service, but just some details of their life after WW1.

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