WWI Art.... (1 Viewer)

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1916 Zeppelin L9 (LZ36) - Kenneth MacDonough

German Zeppelin LZ 36 (L9 Navy numeral) had its debut voyage on 20 March 1915. It went on to complete 74 reconnaissance flights over the North Sea, and dropped a total of 5,683 kg of bombs during four raids on England. Caught fire during inflation in hangar at Fuhlsbuttel on 1916 and burned on the ground.

1916 Somme scrap - De Havilland DH2 vs Fokker - Ken Farmer.

1916 Duel Over No-Man's-Land, Somme, De Havilland DH2 24 Sqn - Stephen Chard.

1916 Nieuport 11 A Naval Sqn, 1 Naval Wing , Roderic Dallas victory nr.2 floatplane off Blankenberghe - Russell Smith.

1915 Max Immelman victory nr.6 BE2c 10 Sqn - Michael Turner.

1915 Ooops - Robert Wilson.

After firing at an Aviatik and while trying to remove a stuck empty drum from his Lewis gun, the Martinsyde aeroplane fell out of control and the seat belt broke leaving L.A. Strange hanging from the drum at 10,000 feet altitude, only through acrobatic efforts he could manage to hold onto a strut and push himself back into the cockpit to regain control barely in time to pull out and avoiding crashing into the trees lining the Menin road.

1915 Bristol Scout - Zdeneck Machacek.

1915 Vickers Gunbus vs kite balloon and Fokker - Ken Farmer.

1915 Early Days at Northolt aerodrome - Stephen Chard.

1918 Bristol F2B Charles Findlay 88 Sqn - Steve Anderson.

Lieut. (A./.Capt.) Charles Findlay. (FRANCE)
On 29th October this officer led his flight with the greatest dash and determination against a hostile formation of about fifty machines. Reinforced by six more machines—making a total of twelve in all—he fought his patrol against the enemy's overwhelming numbers for upwards of half-on-hour, but the enemy being continuously reinforced he was eventually forced to withdraw. Cleverly extricating his formation he retired across the lines, our only casualties being one pilot and one observer wounded. The enemy lost heavily, five machines being shot down inflames (one by Capt. Findlay), four destroyed and six driven down out of control.

1918 RE8 forces to land a Halberstadt CLII - Steve Anderson.

The incident depicted in actually quite famous; the RE8 was from No. 3 Sqdn Australian Flying Corps. The Aussies of that squadron flew their RE8's very aggressively (more like Bristol Fighters), and this wasn't the only victory they claimed. They liked flying the RE8.

On 9 June 1918, the crew of Lts. R C Armstrong and F J Mart of No 3 Sqdn had noticed the Halberstadt headed for home, and Armstrong headed it off "spoiling for a fight." The German crew were "lost and inexperienced," (according to Aussie sources) and showed little inclination to resist. They allowed themselves to be herded back in a westerly direction towards the Aussie's airfield at Flesselles, followed by the RE8 100 yards behind them. The Halberstadt landed at the No. 3 Sqdn airfield, soon followed by Armstrong and Mart. Some sources have the CL.II landing at Villers Bocage.

The Halberstadt was CL.II 1534/17, and it came from Schlasta 13. The crew consisted of Gefreiter Kuesler and Vzfw. Müllenbach. The CL.II was given the captured a/c number G/5Bde/16, and detailed technical reports were made of it, and numerous photos taken. Its colors and markings were recorded in the reports, thus it has always been a popular subject for modelers. It was handed over to the Australian government as a war trophy. Unfortunately, unlike Clauss' Albatros D.Va of Jasta 29 and a Pfalz D.XII, for some reason it did not survive to be displayed today in the Australian War memorial.

Greg VanWyngarden.

1918 De Havilland DH9 - Don Greer.

1918 Fokker DVII Ernst Udet - Shigeo Koike.

1918 A stranded Brandenburg seaplane is captured by a British sailing ship - James Dietz.

1918 Handley Page 0-400 - Lukasz Kasperczyk.
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1918 Bristol F2b 1 Sqn AFC over Palestine - Steven Heyen....

1918 Fokker DVII - Over the Front cover....

1918 Bristol F.2b 62 Sqn - Jaroslaw Wrobel....

1918 Sopwith Camel vs LVG CV - Steve Anderson....

1918 Aviatik Berg DI 138.107 Flik 56J- S. Tarasovic....

1918 SE5a 2 Sqn AFC Robert McKenzie - Barry Spicer....

1918 Zeppelin Staaken over London - Lucas Kasperczyk....

1915 Lohner L40 Vaclav Wosecek....

1917 Caproni Ca.3 torpedo - Danilo Renzulli

The date is tentative, on this year the Italians begin experimenting with air launched torpedoes, judging by the lights on in the cruiser and the shore this seems to be an exercise, not an attack on an enemy harbor. The inscription on the nose means "For the fatherland"

"Bottled-up in the Adriatic, the Austro-Hungarian Navy was a potential threat throughout the war. To both the progressive Chief of Staff Admiral Paolo Thaon de Revel and the visionary poet-soldier Gabriele d'Annunzio, torpedo-equipped Capronis seemed a possible solution to the problem. The cumbersome weapon and the difficulty of night attacks combined in an unsuccessful first operational test before the late 1917 crisis forced the Italians to finally shelve the idea."

1917 Caproni Ca3 raid on Pola - Danilo Renzulli....

1917 SE5 60 Sqn Captain K L Caldwell - R. Brighton, nose and wheels and fuselage stripe should be yellow not red....

1917 FE2d - Danielo Renzulli - Windsock....

1917 De Havilland DH2 24 Sqn Lanoe Hawker - Don Greer....

1917 Sopwith Camel shooting down a kite balloon - Bruce Ungerland....

1916 Fokker EIV - Petr Ptacek....
Wonderful, evocative art of those fragile, linen covered firetraps . Then strapping boom stuff on them and flying into combat is incredible.
Really nice posts.
I really like the Lohner.

1916 Nieuport 17 Charles Nungesser - Enzo Maio....

1916 Short hydro - Michael Turner....

1916 Airco De Havilland DH2 - Vlastimil Suchy....

1913 Brooklands Challenge, Sopwith Tabloid - Richard Wheatland....

1918 Aviation of the Russian Civil War book cover - Red vs White Nieuport 23....

1919 Albatros DIII Poland vs balloon Ukraine - R . Firszt....

1918 Halberstadt CLII vs SE5a - Steve Anderson....

1918 Sopwith Dolphin vs Pfalz DIII - Windsock....

1918 Sopwith Camel B2404 Australian Flying Corps - Steven Heyen....

1918 The first Gotha shot down on British soil....

1918 Sopwith Camel vs Fokker Dr I Jasta 2 - Steven Heyen....

1918 Fokker Dr1 Lt. R. Wenzl - Derek Lamparter....

1918 Sopwith Camels - Steven Heyen....

1918 Italy, Sopwith Camels vs Brumowski - Steven Heyen....

1918 Bristol F2A 11 Sqn - Colin Dadswell....

1918 SE5a, Black September cover....

1918 Pfalz DXII, Autumn of Defeat - Steve Anderson....

1918 Fokker D.VII Jasta 40 - Seweryn Fleischer
Pilots Ltn. Adolph Auer and Ltn. Herman Gilly....

1918 Junkers DI - Seweryn Fleischer....

1918 Phönix DII 122.22 Flik 55J Oblt. Hans Leiner....

1920 Ansaldo A.1 Balilla Poland - Seweryn Fleischer....

1918 Highwood 84 sqn - Peter Dennis....

1918 Ansaldo A.1 Balilla - Seweryn Fleischer....

1917 Sopwith Triplane vs Albatros D.III - Zdenek Machacek....

1917 Palestine, Bristol F2B 111 Sqn - Seweryn Fleischer....

1916 Short Seaplane and submarine E11 - K. Farmer....

1915 Nieuport 11 Turenne N48 - Seweryn Fleischer....

1917 Albatros CVII - Steve Anderson....

1918 Albatros DVa OAW - Jasta 18 - Steve Anderson....

1923 Iraq, Airco De Havilland DH9A - Steve Anderson....

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