To start with, there's WWII English bombsight used on Lancaster bomber operator and maintenance manual.
This document was generated by Colin Hinson, from a Crown copyright document held at R.A.F. Henlow Signals Museum. It is presented here (for free) under the Open Government Licence (O.G.L.) and this version of the document is Colin Hinson's copyright (along with the Crown Copyright) in much the same way as a photograph would be. The document should have been downloaded from his website Radar
Update: Bombsight_Mk9_set_and_construct manual added. ,
and Norden Bombsight's US patent 1945.
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Thanks to Ron Downey for the usage manuals for the B sights:
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First is the original RAF manual (AP 1043) for the British F.24 camera which was also built in the US under licence where it was called the K-24. Later AP 1403 became AP 1355C Vol I Sec 1. Also attached are AP 1355C Vol I Sec 1 and US TO 10-10AB-1 K-24 Reconnaissance Camera Next will be AP...
Next, there're WWII US bomb droopers' operation manuals.
Please download the following 2 pdf attachments:
There;re alsp a set of more detailed operator's and maintenance manual on WWII german LotfeFernrohr7D bomb sight, used on FW-200 Heavy bomber.
Please download the following 5 pdf attachments: