WWII Map over Norway....

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I'm visiting Oscarsborg fortress on Friday, whose guns sank the German heavy cruiser Blucher.

The Norway campaign was such a disaster for the Kriegsmarine's surface fleet, with three cruisers (Blücher, Karlsruhe and Königsberg) and at least ten destroyers sunk, and Scharnhorst and Lutzow badly damaged by British torpedoes. It was a costly victory for Germany.

Now, imagine if HMS Glorious had her CAP up and discovered Scharnhorst and Gneisenau in time for the carrier and Ark Royal to launch a fatal strike on both Germans, either sinking them both with aerial torpedoes or slowing them down to face the British 15" guns. Hitler, in a rage might have canceled Tirpitz.

There were a few posts on the Ukraine thread about forts and fortresses and some thought it might be a good idea to create a separate thread...so here goes. Please post your pics/stories about defensive fortifications in here.

I'll post some photos from Oscarsborg on Friday on the Forts and Fortifications thread.
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