XB-70 valkyrie vs B-1B lancer

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I don't care even if it was totally worthless, to me it's the most beautiful aircraft ever built! A subjective viewpoint, to be sure, but them's my sentiments.
Not at the moment of the Boeing 299's arrival. For its time it was an amazing piece of aeronautical engineering. Since you admire the ability of the B-70 to go faster than most fighters, the B-17 did just that too. For its time it was an aerodynamically clean airplane. Not quite the B-70 of its day but maybe close.
Thing is, the more aircraft I learn about, the more planes I've come to appreciate. I have already stated I like the B-70.

The Lanc is whole 'nother story.
the only good thing about the lanc is thr bomb load
I don't care even if it was totally worthless, to me it's the most beautiful aircraft ever built! A subjective viewpoint, to be sure, but them's my sentiments.
I think Concorde looked better, plus it was able to carry 100 people down the back drinking champagne and eating oysters. Plus it managed to operate from 1969 to 2003 with only one accident.
May wish to rehink the "started wars" thing.
Korea was started by post wwii unrest between communist factions and Korean autonomy aspirations.
Vietnam started when the French tried to reclaim French Indochina.
The Gulf war was in response to Iraqi aggression in the region.

So please explain (in detail, if possible) how the U.S. "started" those wars.

Thanks in advance.
The US did not "win" the Korean war, it was ended with an armistice, technically it has still not ended,....and it was a United Nations action.

After Uncle Ho assisted the allies in the fight against Japan and was then betrayed when the British and US allowed the French back in. The US did not have to enter the Vietnam conflict, it started off with "advisors" and escalated and eventually withdrew after achieving nothing.

I admit the first Iraq war to liberate Kuwait was justified, although, until then Saddam Hussain had been backed and supplied by the US (in the war with Iran) until then. There was no justification for the second Iraq war as there was no evidence of WMDs and no Iraqis took part in 9/11, US forces are still there after 18 years.....after achieving nothing.

Same goes for Afghanistan, Syria, and Libya.

There is no need to go into more detail, all the information is easily available online or at the library.

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