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Well we had a slow day at the museum due to the fact that almost everyone was flying at airshows. But Seteven Hinton Jr. was there working on Voodoo and I asked him about WWII P-51 cruising speeds when escorting bombers and otherwise.
He grew up around the WWII aces, was raised in a P-51 or three, and is your current and six-time in a row National Champion in the Unlimied Gold racing class ... in P-51-based racers. His response was classic.
He said bomber escorts in P-51s and pretty much everything else flew around 190 - 220 mph until being bounced, seeing the enemy, or hearing about enemies in the same general area over the radio. So I was a bit optimistic when I said maybe 250 mph. He allowed they might push it up to 280 - 300 mph when alone, not escorting, and expecting combat, but otherise they'd fly 220 - 250 mph even when alone.
Greg - one simple question. Do you understand the difference between INDICATED AIRSPEED and TRUE AIRSPEED? Do you understand that Steve Hinton Jr and every expert in the P-51 or any other fighter is referencing the instrument in front of him - which in WWII was an airspeed indicator referencing ONLY Indicated Airspeed based on air pressure recorded by pitot tube?
Go to pg 59 of the P-51D-5 Manual AN 01-60JE-1 which is the Operations Planning table for 75 Gallon tanks (110 tables removed).
The solid black line is six rows up and underscores 25000. That is the altitude reference. Go to the far right "Column V" for maximum range data settings with 419 gallons to achieve 1820 mile range.
There are six columns which are RPM, I.A.S., Mixture, MP, GPM and T.A.S.
25000 = 2250 RPM, 200mph IAS, Auto Lean, FT, 57gpm and 295mph TRUE AIRSPEED
Over on the far left is "Column I" for Emergency Cruise for 1000 miles and 419 gallons
25000 = 2700 RPM, 255mph IAS, Auto Rich, 46", 115gpm and 375mph TRUE AIRSPEED.
I asked about a close to 400 mph cruise at max continuous, which I understood was 42" and 2700 rpm. He said we must have been reading some unofficial manuals. He said max continuous is 42" and 2400 rpm and the stock WWII issue P-51 wasn't going to get aywhere NEAR 400 mph at that power.
With the greatest respect to Steve Hinton, the manual was Issue, not unofficial, that data was nearly 100% the same for the P-51B-10 manual and the Manual dated 1944 stated - Upper Left Corner of the Table that for the P-51D-5 with 1650-7 engine that Normal Rated Power settings are:
2700RPM, 46" MP, High&Low Blower, AR (auto rich) CONT. (max duration), 109 to 106 GPM.
I suspect Steve is basing his comments about both the fuel type differences and Caution based on Warbird experience.
This is coming from a guy who knows his way around stock as well as modified P-51s, and grew up with Bud Mahurin and other WWII aces ... who helped him solo and learn to fly P-51s.
Any argument for 400 mph fantasies falls on absolutely deaf ears here but again, in the interests of completeness, I will still ask the veterans yet again next weekend. I already know what they will say, and I suspect most of the forum readers in here already do, too.
245mph IAS/375 TAS on Max Continuous at 25000 feet, 255IAS/390 mph TAS at 30,000 feet WITH external 75 gallon tanks
280IAS/410 TAS on Max Continuous at 25000 feet, for 680 mile range with 269 gallons of fuel.
I'll check back in next weekend to post what I hear from direct questions of veterans who were there and flew the escort missions. They've been presenting there for more than 40 years, so the subject is already rather well known.
Ask the question the right way, Greg. Remember the difference between TAS and IAS at 25000 feet (or even more pronounced difference at 30,000 feet where some of the escort missions were flown.
Put into context for Steve - because if the P-51 was escort cruising at 190mph TAS. they could never CATCH a fully loaded B-17 at 25000 feet
Sloooowwwwlllyy now Bill, get the 400 mph cruise out of your head.
There seems to be a bit of confusion between max cruise and max continuous.
Max continuous was the maximum amount of power the pilot was supposed to use with an unrestricted time limit. The ONLY restrictions being engine temperature, oil temperature and running out of gas or oil.
Max cruise is a little fuzzier, as in many instances, max cruise was also done at rich settings. It is subject to the same four restrictions as above and will give more range (in some cases, much more range).
Some planes had an "economical maximum" given on their charts which was the max power using lean mixture.
And here we have another source of possible confusion. Late P-51s had a 3 position control for mixture, idle cut-off, normal and rich. Early P-51Bs had 4 position control, idle cut-off, auto lean, auto rich and full rich. When the switch over between controls was made or if there ware one or more intermediate mixture controls.
Were the pilots "cruising" using lean or normal, were they actually the same? Or was the "normal" somewhere between auto lean and auto rich and the later "rich" equal to "full rich" ?
talking to a veteran who flew a P-51B with the 4 position control on a V-1650-3 engine might give a different answer than a veteran who used the 3 position control on a V=1650-7 engine only a few months later.
I said I'd check back in here when we had our "Little Friends" presentation and we had it today, so I'm back.
I asked the presenters how fast they cruised the P-51s in the Pacific both with and without bombers to escort, and whether or not they knew the same information about missions in the ETO. Not surprisingly, the subject had come up at the last meeting of WWII escort pilots a few weeks earlier.
According to three of our presenters, they cruised the P-51s (mostly P-51D's) at 220 mph, which turned out to be somewhere around 29" – 30" and 1,700 – 1,900 rpm depending on configuration. Every hour for about 10 minutes, they'd run the engines up to 35" – 40" at 2,400 rpm and auto rich to make sure they didn't foul the plugs, and then go back to 220 mph or so. They said that the P-51s in the ETO did pretty much the same or slight slower 190 – 210 mph or so, clearing the plugs for 10 minutes every hour before going back to lean cruise.
Greg - that is 220mph Indicated - not True Airspeed. and 190-210mph Indicated - not True airspeed. A B-17 cruises at 150 mph IAS, which at 25,000 feet is between 215 and 225mph True Airspeed depending on temperature.
I asked about 320+ mph cruise and most laughed and said they'd never done that or heard of that. One asked if I was a video game player. I told them it was a question in a WWII aviation forum on the internet. The general consensus was that the only excuse for going over max continuous to clear the plugs was getting bounced or expecting imminent combat, and they'd rapidly go back to low cruise once things cleared away from combat.
Greg - you have a challenge in a.) absorbing what is being discussed and b.) putting it in context. Nobody stated, implied or otherwise communicated that cruising at 320mph Indicated was performed as a matter of practice - ONLY that the standard Operating Tables Present a cruising speed of 375mph TRUE AIR SPEED for 2700RP< 46" Max Continuous Power setting with two 75 gallon external tanks and 10,700 pds GW at Take Off with 420 mile operating range (no allowance for WU, TO, Climb, etc)
So they pretty much said what they've said when this subject has come up before in past "Little Friends" presentation made by WWII combat veteran pilots of P-51s. However, this cloud might have a silver lining for both Bill and me. I didn't specifically ask, so I made an assumption that they guys were talking IAS. Suppose they were flying at 20,000 feet at 220 mph IAS with an OAT correction of 2%. It turns out TAS would be 308 mph under those conditions. So it is possible that both Bill and I are right or wrong.
No, Greg that is not correct - you are re-writing history. REPEAT - go back and look at the discussions, Greg. I brought to your attention the difference between IAS and TAS early in the discussion. The AN 01-60JE-1 P-51D-5 Flight Operating Instructions dated April 5, 1944 contains ALL of the data that I have presented to you and the Appendix II "Flight Operating Charts" the THE BOOK for P-51D operations based on flight testing at Wright Pat, and further validated by the series of tests run on June 15, 1945 in a P-51D-15 by Don Gentile.
They almost certainly did NOT cruise at 300 + mph in P-51Ds if we are talking IAS, which I was talking, but they could be cruising in the low 300s TAS. I was talking IAS because that is all the pilot sees on his instrument panel. The 505 mph dive limit is IAS and it gets lower with altitude and the speeds in the handbook for IAS almost never approach the maximum.
No, you were NOT talking IAS Greg. Go back and look.
So I can understand Bill's 300 mph claim. But the pilots at our presentation from all theaters for the last 9 years I have been going and hearing the Q A have never supported seeing cruise speeds above about 250 mph and mostly not that fast. I never asked before about altitude, rpm, and MAP, but I'm sure that if they had a short mission, and pushed the cruise up to 260 mph IAS at 25,000 feet, they'd see somewhere around 390 mph TAS at 20,000 – 25,000 feet.
I think we've had some harsh words for nothing since I was always talking IAS. I can't speak for Bill, but It is likely he was using TAS numbers from the charts.
The BS flag is thrown. I gave you line by line, column by column the data contained in the Appendix II. The Format is consistently "RPM","mph in I.A.S", "Mixture","M.P.", "GPH". "mph T.A.S.";
Example given for 25000 feet, 75 Gallon externals, 10,700 Pds GW, for Max Continuous (NOT ESCORT VALUE - ONLY MAX CONTINUOUS POWER as ShortRound began the DISCUSSION - I.e NOT WHAT DID AS A MATTER OF STD OPS BUT WHAT WAS POSSIBLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, 2700RPM, 255mph IAS, AR, 46"MP, AR, 115GPH, 375mph TRUE AIR SPEED. Lower left, 1st Column.
Example Given for MAX RANGE, Far Right Column, Lower Right
For 25000 feet, 1820 miles Range, 75 Gallon Tanks, 10,700 pds GW:
so, 2200RPM, 200 IAS, AL (auto lean), FT, 57GPH, 295mph TAS.
That's pretty much all I have to say on it. Not too interested any further since the P-51 veterans as well as current P-51 pilots, including some really quite qualified guys, say it didn't happened in service. But unless you're careful with your terminology, you can be both right and wrong when talking speeds.
You never got the difference 'right' in any of the past discussions
I never bothered to flight plan TAS when flying a Cessna 172 because everyone at the FAA service center will laugh if you file a C-172 flight plan at Mach 0.17 ... I did it only once with Albuquerque Center and it made their day. They were laughing uproariously and I expected that. When I got to "souls on board," I also filed for "One plus an athiest" and got another round of laughter. But I got willing flight following that day since it broke up the boredom.
Well we had a slow day at the museum due to the fact that almost everyone was flying at airshows. But Seteven Hinton Jr. was there working on Voodoo and I asked him about WWII P-51 cruising speeds when escorting bombers and otherwise.
He grew up around the WWII aces, was raised in a P-51 or three, and is your current and six-time in a row National Champion in the Unlimied Gold racing class ... in P-51-based racers. His response was classic.
He said bomber escorts in P-51s and pretty much everything else flew around 190 - 220 mph until being bounced, seeing the enemy, or hearing about enemies in the same general area over the radio. So I was a bit optimistic when I said maybe 250 mph. He allowed they might push it up to 280 - 300 mph when alone, not escorting, and expecting combat, but otherise they'd fly 220 - 250 mph even when alone.
Greg Here is VERBATIM what I said on this two days before this post by you
"No question here but a typical tactical scenario in the ETO is that a fighter Group of three squadrons were 'normally' deployed around one and maybe two 'boxes' of bombers. In mid 1944 a box would be approximately 50 B-17s or B-24s with one full Bomb Group and part of another from the same Bomb Wing.
That Could look like - one squadron flying as much as 4-5000 feet above the box, one flying off to one side and one flying on the other side if the Box is in an interior position. If the Box is a lead box, the one of the squadrons might be running from one side to 5-10mi out in front and back. Any squadron tethered to the bombers is running approximately 200-220IAS, which at 25000 feet is ~320mph+ TAS, which forces P-51s to 'Ess'
At 220IAS the fuel burn rate is about 10% higher than 'max cruise with 110 tanks and fully loaded P-51D - at 11,600-700 pounds GW at TO. in order to stay with the bombers they are assigned to. Any fighter squadron on a Sweep or an Area Patrol to block inbound enemy fighters will still fly around 220IAS but more in a straight line and covering a lot more ground. As the fuel is burned down the cruise speed (as you know) will increase at same power settings.
'They' can't afford the luxury of running much above Max Range Cruise on a long mission, and they have to really try to hold on to the external tanks to empty if possible and reserve all internal fuel except 25+ gallons of burn off, plus some 10 gallons on warm up and take off in the left main. If they get in a fight too early and have to punch 110's with a lot of fuel remaining, they have to go home before completing the escort assignment.
The squadron commanders were disciplined and sent flights or sections frequently when bouncing smaller numbers of 109s or 190s, holding the rest of the squadron in reserve and not punching tanks. Occasionally a really large batch of enemy fighters are spotted and sections, then whole squadrons engage while calling for help from the other squadrons.
At this stage, you aren't going to be using any fluid injection, and you are not going to be using a power setting that requires a tear-down at the end of the flight. In other words, you aren't going to uses "war emergency" power.
Unless the situation is dire Military Power was the first run up on the throttle and RPM. Everybody was aware of not getting home on a bad engine after WEP..
I asked about a close to 400 mph cruise at max continuous, which I understood was 42" and 2700 rpm. He said we must have been reading some unofficial manuals. He said max continuous is 42" and 2400 rpm and the stock WWII issue P-51 wasn't going to get aywhere NEAR 400 mph at that power.
This is coming from a guy who knows his way around stock as well as modified P-51s, and grew up with Bud Mahurin and other WWII aces ... who helped him solo and learn to fly P-51s.
Any argument for 400 mph fantasies falls on absolutely deaf ears here but again, in the interests of completeness, I will still ask the veterans yet again next weekend. I already know what they will say, and I suspect most of the forum readers in here already do, too.
I'll check back in next weekend to post what I hear from direct questions of veterans who were there and flew the escort missions. They've been presenting there for more than 40 years, so the subject is already rather well known.
Sloooowwwwlllyy now Bill, get the 400 mph cruise out of your head.
I didn;t reasd tyhi thread from Last Sunday until last night, so whatever you posted twp days agao, I didn't read. Considering teh way you say it, I won;t go back and do tyaht either.
You apparently didn't read my post either, the guys answered for both escort and general flying when no escorting. They didn't even cruise at 260 IAS when alone, there being no point to going faster until necessary. Ad I very cealrly stated what Ia sked ... whichw as, "How fast did you crusie the P-51 when escorting bombers and when not flying escort?"
They all answered about 220 mph with 10 minutes in auto rich each hour to keeep the plugs from fouling.
And SteveO responded 190-220 and I said from 200-220IAS. Pick one.
So while tyhere might be a few people out tehre who did fly fast for a reason, tghey were cruising aorunf at 380 mph or 400 mph or whatever high speed you are touting.
GregP - I think you are trolling - at least being terminally dense. What I stated is that the MANUAL Presents a cruise speed (high) and cruise range (low) at 2700RPM, 46", Auto rich, 108GPH 410mph at 25000 feet with only external racks, 375mph TAS with same settings at 375mph TAS - both at 25000 feet. I dis not assume or state that anyone Did That - only that the Manual says that you CAN do that at Max Continuous Power.
They werer cruising to save fuel, save the engines, and get the job done ... exactly as I said many pages back.
Yes, Greg, as everyone has said, I have said, as well as presented data to show the difference between 480 miles or range and 1820 miles of range.
They didn't cruise that fast and all the writing in the world won't change tat fact. Go talk with the vets before they are all gone and LISTEN for a change.
Never let reality get in the way of a good manual...I've flown quite a few WWII airplanes and they continually fall short of the book numbers. Even lightly loaded I am continually amazed they achieved the results they accomplished. I see and talk to veterans every day, and particularly the bomber crews, say every flight was marginal. Trade bombs for fuel or fuel for bombs.