
  1. T

    FineMolds A7M2 1/48

    Yes, after lot of putties.
  2. Dronescapes

    U.S. Army Versus U.S. Navy: the road to Independence, and the race for the Superfortress

    U.S. Army Versus U.S. Navy: the road to Independence, and the race for the Superfortress
  3. M

    Hughes Type 1 Ship-detection radar operator maintenance manual including wiring diagram 1948

    General Characteristics: frequency: 9 425 … 9 525 MHz ( X-Band) pulse repetition frequency (PRF): 1000 Hz pulsewidth (τ): 0.2 µs peak power: 30 kW instrumented range: 27 NM (≙ 50 km) accuracy: 1° beamwidth: 1.8° antenna rotation: 30 rpm Hughes Type 1 Ship-detection radar operator...
  4. Snautzer01

    eBay: heavy Iron (Tanks Guns Ships Trains)

    Foto, Panzer IV Turmnummer: II01 wird verladen, Hafen Neapel, Italien, f | eBay
  5. N

    Fun WWII U.S. Navy Training Film - Gunnery

    It is listed as a gunnery film but there is a lot of footage of second line/obsolete aircraft being flown by the Navy in training missions. Thrown in are a Spitfire and a D.510. View:
  6. Rocketman

    SBD Dauntless in Detail & Scale

    Here's a montage for our new digital book "SBD Dauntless in Detail & Scale". This is an updated and expanded edition of the long out-of-print hard copy "SBD Dauntless in Detail & Scale" covering one of the few combat aircraft to serve from the beginning to the end of WWII. The pivotal role the...
  7. rochie

    US Navy F-18 crashes in Cambridgeshire !

    BBC reporting an F-18 of the US Navy has crashed in Cambridgeshire at about 10.30 am UK time this morning. Update. Unfortunately it seems the pilot has lost his life. :salute:
  8. Torch

    Along the B3 story line, the Navy jumps in

    US Navy's 6th Generation Fighter Jets Will Be Slow and Unstealthy | The National Interest Blog
  9. johnbr

    Hms Hood Bell recovered

    LONDON (AP) — An American philanthropist and investor has recovered a bell from a British battleship that was sunk in the North Atlantic during World War II. A team led by Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen retrieved the bell from the HMS Hood, once the largest warship in the world and the Royal...
  10. davparlr

    Did the Navy and the world miss out on the F11F-1F Super Tiger

    In the early to mid-fifties, three, at or near Mach 2, air superiority fighters was developed by the AF and Navy, the F-104 Starfighter, the F8U Crusader, and the F11F-1F Super Tiger. All three powered by a single 16-18k lb thrust jet engine, the J-79 for the Starfighter and Super Tiger, and...
  11. Thorlifter

    Lt Cmd Joe Langdell - Oldest survior of Arizona dies

    USS Arizona's oldest survivor dies at 100 RIP sir. :salute: Joe Langdell was working as a junior accountant in Boston when he got the idea that he should join the Navy and go to sea. It was 1940 and America edged closer every day to joining the war that raged in Europe. After proving...
  12. nuuumannn

    Battle of the River Plate 75th Anniversary

    Hi Guys, this is a bit of a deal in New Zealand and to honour the battle's 75th anniversary, a recreation of the welcome home march of the cruiser HMS Achilles' crew down the main street of Auckland was held on the 13th. Here are some related links. From the RNZN's facebook page, includes...
  13. Micdrow

    Emblem Identification

    Morning guys, Well this summer my Grandfather passed away and going through his things we found this. Not exactly sure what its for or the emblem represents. He was in the Navy during WWII but don't know much more about the emblem. Thanks in advance Paul
  14. Angelusky

    [Video]Group French Navy Pilots

    Hello all :) Here is my new video on the group french navy pilots View: I wish you a good flight and a good weekend :)
  15. imalko

    Wreck of Stuka dive bomber found in Adriatic Sea

    Regional newspapers published this news yesterday. The wreck was found accidentally near Žirja island on the Croatian Adriatic coast and is apparently in very good condition. It lacks the engine which probably broke off during the impact and is found on the seabed nearby. According to available...
  16. US Navy A-12 Avenger II Doritos In Flight Carrier Patrol Mock Up Artwork

    US Navy A-12 Avenger II Doritos In Flight Carrier Patrol Mock Up Artwork

  17. USN F-117N Project In Flight Artwork

    USN F-117N Project In Flight Artwork

  18. Mediterranean Blue

    Mediterranean Blue

    Title: Mediterranean Blue Year Created: 2008 Medium: Oil on board Size Width: 86 cm Size Height: 61 cm Size Depth: 1 cm Theme: Marine Price: Please request Description: HMS Anson was one of five King George V Class battleships built to counteract the threat from Nazi...
  19. Parting Company

    Parting Company

    Title: Parting Company Year Created: 2008 Medium: Oil on canvas Size Width: 70 cm Size Height: 50 cm Size Depth: 2 cm Theme: Marine Price: request price Description: This painting is of HMS Royal Sovereign one of five 'R' class battleships that served during both world...
  20. Momentum


    Title: Momentum Year Created: 2008 Medium: Oil on canvas Size Width: 70 cm Size Height: 50 cm Size Depth: 2 cm Theme: Marine Price: request price Description: This painting is of HMS Royal Oak and is taken from an early black and white areial photograph when she was on...