
  1. A

    P-47D-30 performance

    On the website, it states that a "bubble top" P-47 (a P-47D-30) attained a top speed of 443 mph during tests at Wright Field in October 1944. In what condition do you think this particular aircraft was in at the time? Thanks
  2. 1940: the top 3 engines in service

    What would be the top three engines in air forces of the world, in service, in the key year of 1940? Whether inline/V-12 or radial, big or small, with provision for prop shaft gun or not. Please tell a bit about your picks. Flag waving is discouraged :)
  3. Script error in the header

    Just noticed this at the top of the page:
  4. Gunther Rall

    Does anyone out there have a victory list for Gunter Rall? I have them for Hartmann, Barkhorn, and a few others from the top ten, but can't seem to find one for Herr Rall. Would appreciate it.
  5. WWII German Top 10 Secret Weapons

    View: Listen to how he says the years, what's that all about??
  6. Rhubarb !

    No not the air op rhubarb but the stuff you eat. The first real decent pick of the season took place this morning and as a result there are currently four rhubarb custard pies in the oven as well as a good sized pot of stewed rhubarb simmering away on the stove top. A whole lot of...
  7. M

    Identifying bombers

    So... - ??? - ??? - ??? - B-17 - B-29 - B-36 Just curious, what are the top three? Thank
  8. In 1942: top 3 Allied fighters

    Same drill as in similar threads: what would be the top 3 land-based fighters available for Allies? Only the service machines qualify - no prototypes and one offs. Naval fighters can compete, but the ability to be used board the CV does not yield them any points. As always, the best blend of raw...
  9. 1941: top 3 Allied fighters

    What Allied fighter aircraft types should earn the medals in 1941? The series produced examples are contenders, ones that made it in service in that year? So no F4U, Spit IX, P-51, La-5 etc. The carrier-based aircraft can also compete, but CV suitabiity yields no points in this thread. The...
  10. In-Vulnerable Fortresses?

    How vulnerable were early model B-17s (C-Fs) in the Pacific when flying at 20-30K feet? While they may not be able to hit anything, when flying at top speed at altitude, couldn't they outrun Zeros? If so, they could be useful for reconnaissance and harassment.