1/48 and 1/35....

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That sounds better. I think all of them... But if you have all models of the same scale it is nice to compare the equipment dimensians.
It would be good to see some more 'soft skinned' vehicles in 1/48th, to compliment the aircraft models. Or maybe aircraft models in 1/35th.........
I wouldn't mind to see in 1/48:

J-29 Tunnan
A-32 Lansen
F-102 Delta Dagger
F-106 Delta Dart
F-100 Super Sabre
F-101 Voodoo
de Havilland Vampire
de Havilland Venom
Blackburn Buccaneer........
Five of them were/are available in1/48th. The Vampire and Venom from whoda ya call it, the expensive people! Then the Buccaneer from Airfix, in S2/S2B versions. The old Monogram Super Sabre was good, and will probably appear under the Revell lable, as was the Voodoo, ditto.
I think someone like 'Hawk' or Aurora used to do a Dart or Dagger?
For starters, I'd loke to see the following in 1/48th.
Halifax (NOT the FM kit!)
Stirling " " "
Blenheim (still going from whosit?)
Do17Z (apart from Hobbycraft)
Jet Provost (any Mark)
Bristol Bulldog (SMER Inpact now rare)
Hawker Fury (Even old Airfix)
JU87B (old Airfix would do)
Bedford WW2 truck.
Brit/US/German fuel bowsers.
Harrier GR3(improved old Airfix would do)
Tempest V
Tempest II
And in 1/32nd scale....
Mosquito FBVI
Mosquito BIV or XVI.
Lightning F1 or F6 (NOT the Trumpeter kit!)
P51B/C "" "" "" or old Revell!)
Hurricane Mk1
And ther's many more.....
Well, the Buccaneer is OK, apart from an overscale control column. Although, I haven't got to the part where the fuselage halves, split HORIZONTALLY, need joining. That should be...er...interesting!
Some good choices there Terry. I agree on the Beaufort!! Some off the top of my head.
Vengeance (hopefully soon)
F-4 Lightning

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