Hi all! Been plugging away at this and I have a good bit of progress to show, so I think I will break this up into a few different posts. I have been back and forth between different areas, not really any one section at once. Through pictures and editing though, I will try to make it more logical and streamlined to make it easier to follow along. Here we go!
First area of improvement is the cowlings and the cowl flaps.
This is the part representing the cowl flaps from the kit. It mounts to the front of the fuselage and also serves as the "firewall" that the kit engine mounts to via the center hole. I thought these were overly thick and too static looking for my taste.
I placed Tamiya masking tape on the flaps to make a template for making the replacement flaps. I didn't take a picture of it, but I removed the tape template and laid it onto soda can aluminum and proceeded to cut out thinner individual flaps. I numbered them to keep things orderly so as to know which piece would go where later.
Next I thinned the inside of the cowlings with an electric grinder and various bits to a more scale thickness. I was careful to avoid the protruding parts of the cowl as those will be needed for a proper fit to the fuselage later. For mounting the new cowl flaps I used TET to attach a plastic strip to each side, leaving a lip where the flaps will attach to.
I CA glued pieces of plasticard to each flap with a hole drilled in each one to better match my references. I then used more CA to attach the flaps to the cowlings.
The final step of detailing the cowl flaps was to add the actuator arms and the ring they attach to from aluminum wire. This is pretty simplified compared to reference pictures. I went for a compromise between detail and simplicity for my own sanity, the effect I desire to achieve is adding a bit of visual interest to what would otherwise be an empty space with the flaps being opened up now. Hopefully it will be convincing enough. Notice at the bottom of the picture some of the actuating rods are absent due to them and some of the flaps being knocked off during handling. I will replace these just before painting and final attachment so as to tempt fate as little as possible. In a word, fragile.
View of the flaps from the outside. Not too bad I guess. First time ever doing this cowl flap business by the way.
After I was sure the flaps looked satisfactory, I removed the kit ones. This "firewall" will still serve as the mounting point for the engine but now will also become the exhaust collector ring. We will revisit this part later on and it should be clear what exactly I mean then.
Lastly I modified the front of the cowl. Now, I did not take measurements to justify this (shame on me
) but to my eye the opening looked a little too big. I glued a thin styrene strip around the entire inner lip to ever so slightly narrow the opening. I then faired this in with milliput followed by light sanding. Though not visible at this angle, I also opened up the air intake at the top of the cowlings. I smoothed the inside with more milliput. In opening up the intake I managed to gouge the dividing strake. That will have to be fixed with more putty. Will also have to hit this area with primer to make sure everything is indeed well blended.
That's it for now. I have more progress and pictures to show so will be updating again soon. Hope you like it so far. I'm all ears be it good bad or ugly.