1/48 Bf 110 G-2 - Allied Advance and Defense of the Reich WWII.

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Thanks guys.

Not sure about the swastikas on the tail,i think they should be black with white outline, not all white !
And also Revell call for white undersides for the wingtips, not seen that since very early in the Battle of Britain ?
That code threw me - it should be '3U', and yes, the swastikas should be black, outlined in white. Haven't seen the white wing tips for this unit, but the white tail band was in use in the ETO on the G2 and G4.
Let me know if you want representative profiles and pics Karl, and I'll e-mail them from John Vasco's book.
A wee correction to the code.. it should be 3U+GT but not the MU+GT. The white quick ID areas are typical for the MTO. The Italy I would say.

From FalkeEins' site..

You are totaly correct Wojtek, it was a typo from me, of course it is 3U+GT !

I wonder if the white wing tips from the Med scheme were still there in winter 1944 and not painted over ?
Crosed posts there Terry, have corrected my typo.

Please send whatever you have, it will all help !

Here is the Bf110-G2 of the ZG26 coded 3U+KR. The white wing tips can be noticed.

Also the enlarged pic posted above reveals something like the white wing trip at the starboard.

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Here is the Bf110-G2 of the ZG26 coded 3U+KR. The white wing tips can be noticed.

View attachment 338249

Also the enlarged pic posted above reveals something like the white wing trip at the starboard.

View attachment 338250
I forgot about 3U+KR, i did look at doing that one as it is my initials but have no white K !
The white lower wing tips look pretty cool so i might do them on my 3U+GT !

Is that lower pic of C/D version ?

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