I'm going with the simpler-spooled turbine based on the header on the drawing and the photos of the real machine. This time I wised up and formed the complex shaft contours using SU's Follow-Me tool instead of drawing a series of connected cylinders. Follow-Me works by drawing the outer contour as a filled, ungrouped, surface, setting up the path the shape's to follow, clicking the Follow-Me icon and then selecting the profile. It instantly forms a lathed object (in the case of a circular path). I used the same technique for the casing contours the bearing housings on the two ends and the steam inlet fittings.
The turbine blades are SU Components which has the abillity to change every one of the same components if a change is made to any one of them. Blade dimensions were taken from the profile section drawing. Notice that I'm not displaying 360º of the shapes, but am truncating them to just show a cutaway portion. A lot of the casing appears to be welded sheet steel to support the forged/turned/cast components. The drawing looks pretty good. Not sure how well this mass of fine details are going to print. Won't know until I try...
There are stator blades protruding from the lands on the shell cylinder. I'm not sure They will work. I may draw a small test set with rotor and stator blades and see what prints before attempting to print the whole deal.
I've decided to scrap the bad condenser end cap. It's not only warped, but mishapen to a degree that it won't assemble correctly. I've already got the new one loaded into the printer. I'll run it tomorrow.
I did get one good one. It too has a slight sag in one edge, but I'll get it to work. This ones only partially cleaned up.
And I'm happy to report that I got a beautiful print of the Condenser Shell and the Tube Assembly. It's on the printer in the drip fixture and I'll clean it up tomorrow. Noticed some delamination of the base layers, but they held together and the entire job printed perfectly. The hole is on purpose for additional cutaway viewing.
The new printer is quite astounding, I was able to watch the print job on it's included video system, while sitting upstairs in the great room. I also made a stop action movie of the whole job and will post when I retireve it.
The condenser and LP turbine are among the most complicated systems in the room. if they come out well, the rest of the project should be splendid.