1/48 Airfix Sea Fury - R.Francis

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So some more work onner.1. I traced and extended the Hull line and cut the bottom of the rudder.
Rough shape of what I needed for the extension, styrene! 2. Rouged the to profile of the styrene.
3. did final shaping and scribed the sheet metal section as in the plane picture. Kinda crude, sorry.
RF Fury 08.jpgRF Fury 09.jpgRF Fury 10.jpg
The fuselage is all together, just need to attach horiz stabs. Will mask out the polished SS Steel parts.
I primed and painted white down first, then SMS Hyper Chrome over the white. I think I did Something
wrong? The silver is kinda grainy. Have no idea why. Perhaps ?????? But it is bright like I wanted. See plane photo.
RF Fury 11.jpg

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