1/48 Grumman Avenger TBF-1C - Pacific Theatre of Operations II

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Jan, not an expert by any sense but the only way I've ever seen rockets carried is exterior mounts, i.e. hard points on the wings. I'd go with what you have, the 500lb-ers.
and looking good
Just wondering, never seen a Avenger with bombs under the wings, so....those that were loaded with the belly tanks for the Marcus Island attack, underwing rockets would be the only way to go, right...or?
Anyhoo, two 500-pounders are being worked on and painted as we....type..

Anyhoo.....some pics!

Upper and lower 'floor' attached....

The 500-pound boom-boom thingmajigs got some paint....

Now, the Hobby Boss' panel doesn't come with a decal or anything, need to add some colours to live the thing up a bit...

No colour call outs(?) or anything for the seat, so.....keep as is or add some leather to it?

500-pounders attached.....

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