1/48 Hasegawa Ki43-I "Oscar"

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Nov 20, 2017
So I just got this kit for less than half the 100 Dollars it is currently going for on Amazon (if you include shipping). I'm going to do my first "Start to Finish" using it. Not now! Later, one day when I'm a full grown boy! However, this is motivation for me to keep my word and not chicken out! COMING SOON-ish!

Dear SuperFire, "better late than never" and the first step (the most important one) you have already given.
My first plane on my return to modeling was a Zero Fighter (Zeke). I wish you enjoy it and be the first of many.

Just like George and Wojtek we are forward to the assembling. (at your time )

Luis Carlos
I know you're just all buttering me up, because you want to see how I screw it up! I love you! Soon!

P.S. KINGS HOBBY in Austin, TX is the greatest hobby store still going! Please shop there. They are fantastic people and I try to only buy my stuff from them. Wonderful little shop!
Little known facts about the "Oscar" to tide you over:

- It was armed with one rock, and one smaller rock.
- It was so nimble, it out-flew it's own paint-job within' five minutes of leaving the factory.
- Passing gas in it was not a good idea.
- Almost 9,000 of them were made, and all were shot-down two years before production ended.
- It's still cool as all get-out, and mad respect to the lunatics that flew it!
Looking forward to it whenever you decide to get started. Hasegawa is usually very good when it comes to Japanese subjects.

I was lucky to get a still in the wrap kit for a good price. KING HOBBY is a great store. I've been studying this film for livery ideas and have decided upon one. I can't tell if it is a I, II, or III, but the close up of it was a "I." It seems like the "I" is the least built, so I want to do it.

View: https://youtu.be/sneZm8jQ2Dw
Although I wouldn't follow a such movie when it comes to the camo and markings, I have grabbed a couple of screenshots for you. These can come in handy...
Regarding the plane variant.. IMHO there were used two at least. These pics show the Ki-43-I IMHO.

I would say that's a Ki-43-II late production while the taxing one in my post above seems to be the Ki-43-II pre-series or early production.. The movie is of 1944 believing the caption therefore most Hayabusa fighters there seem to be the Ki-43-II and might be of different series. The only Ki-43-I planes seen in the film were posted in the post #10.

And here a couple of screenshots more...

I think the very interesting kite here could be the second one of the formation behind the leader. She looks like being spotted.

Great resolution! Thank you so much Wurger! There are some great captured Buffalo's and P-40's in the film as well if anyone is interested.

Oh, and I want to do a plane from the film. I'm sure these were all trainers and third line aircaft by the time the film was made but they were still official Japanese Army planes so even if they are not front line birds, they are authentic and accurate. The allies were bombing Japan soon afterward. I reckon some of them were thrown into defense of the nation at some point.
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You notice the "spot" on the forward left wing? Do you think those are camera's mounted for production?

Also, doing a bit of research, I found out that the French used some II's and III's in the 50's in Viet Nam for a short while. There is serious speculation that the French Foreign Legionaries in 'Nam were actually ex-Waffen SS men that were given the option of serving in the Legion or being turned over to the American's by the French. If that is true, then it's somewhat plausable to say the Nazi's flew the Ki-43 as well. LOL! A stretch I know, but interesting for those of you wanting to do a II or III.

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Definitely a Ki43-I. Kato was KIA in May '42 and the Ki43-II entered production in Nov. '42

It looks like the "spotted" Ki-43 is a II, so it won't work for my kit. It seems like the paint got worse as the war went on because the "I's" that I've seen have a lot more coverage, although they could just be photos of planes that hadn't been in service very long. If you're doing a II, you should take the glorious "spotted falcon!"
Yes. I can't tell if it's a camera or just a blemish on the paint job. Additionally, I'm thinking spraying it in metal/silver and then hand brushing on the green? I can only assume the green would have been painted on with mops and brushes as time wore on so it would be sort of rough looking.
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I think you are right that it was the camera. The effect of the black rectangle is caused by the shadow of the camera. I have checked on a coupleof references for the plane and none of them had a such tool attached or painted.

Regarding the camo spots... the green colour was applied with an airbrush. But because of the wetaher conditions and quality of the paint it might peel off at many areas or just got faded making the spots smaller. It has to be mentoined that the peeling off can be seen especially in pics of those planes painted overall green..

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