1\48 He 219

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Nov 5, 2012
heres some pics of my He219. I built one of these along time ago when i was still in highschool and just butchered it when it came to paint. so since i got back into that hobby after 8 years .i knew i had to build one again.Just how i remembered. like most of tamiyas luftwaffe kits it is great! goes together without a single problem almost no filler needed anywhere . fun and easy . Paintscheme was also fun and like the effect i got. i added some paint chips , exhaust stains, a black wash, some charcoal . i did some post shading on the blackwith the black sprayed over a slightly lighter shade of black. and not verymuch else since the plane probably didnt get to see too much action or outside weather before the war ended. hope you like later i need to add a good pic of the planes underside.

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Pics take slightly long to load for me too, but I gotta say it was worth the wait . Great looking Uhu indeed. How did you go about getting the mottle on? Looks like some sort of reverse mottling application. Looks very convincing.
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Three minutes, and not quite finished loading yet. Looks very good though. I wonder if the advert on the page is slowing things down, or is it due to not up-loading direct after re-sizing. Noticed average pic size is around 2.5 MB
im using WI FI because my cellphone is my camera and my intenet router pretty much so i guess the one advantage is fast loadtimes... im kinda just getting back into computers too after a long pause. but i did take the pics off my computer and uploaded straight to the site they are not hosted on like photobucket. If moderators can resize these or make them thumbnails maybe it would help. i know for instance i can resize them myself but would they have to be made really small and thats all you guys would see? ide rather try to do thumbnails of big pictures instead of just small pictures that get pixelated if you zoom in. anywho both of my post arent even very good pictures becuase of lighting and resolution , maybe ill take some more serious pictures and repost the uhu and the blitz . i have other models i would like to post so let me know mods if i need to post differently or if you would like to edit go for it.

Thanks for all the kind words so far . hyperscale still hasnt let me be a member of their board yet lol ! not posting for main site but even just joining forum takes forever. As for camo on this Uhu i sprayed 75 down first then free hand i sprayed a almost crosshatch and random pattern of 76 that was pretty thin over it , which took a while and some effort to not make look lazy or inconsistent . love this site! maybe i could post two more pics of the model outside i want to post some of the Ar 234 outside too because my cell phone takes better pics outside. guys mods should i or are the pics too slow?
Done. Your pictures have been resized down. We suggest using of 800 pixels in a pic width. For resizing you can use the Irfanview image browser that is free software.
crimea your Uhu looks sweet! i remember now that i came across it when i was doing mine those pictures of the NASM uhu are what inspired me, i got some Ju88 G and mistel kits that also have the 76 crosshatch pattern which i cant wait for, heres a test post of a pic that i resized to 800 pixel width... crimea in paintshop pro where is the size 5 or level 5 option for resize? but anyways here goes a test shot of the tail

i saved this as 800 pixel width ... uploaded direct and it still seems the same as my 3mb pics lol . (im a newb )
also i tried to componsate for some of the flash with photoshop and ruined the pic. the black is not as faded as it looks in that pic. wish i new how to delete my frickin pick(im the newb who will be known for slow loads and gigantic pics )
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Thanks for that. The squiggles dod not go as well as I would have liked - need more practice with better paint.

In Photoshop Editor (I have version 8 ) when you have your pic ready to save, go "Save As" and if you pick jpeg, you'll get a window pop up called "Jpeg Options". In there is a box called "Image Options". Under "Quality", pick 5.
Gotta try the technique you described as well sometime soon. Might work well on the Bf-110G-4 I'm currently working on,

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