1/48 Monogram F-105F ( 1982 issue )

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Staff Sergeant
Dec 14, 2011
Wichita,Kansas USA
I got burned out on prop aircraft so it was time to build some Jets for a while. I decided to start with the awesome 1982 issues of the Monogram F-105F . I have the Sam Slayer and Furball decals . Not sure what markings i will go with. I started with the landing gear first . I drilled a 1/4 depth hole in the main struts then super glued a stell pin so the gear wont bow or snap off. The nose strut the knonb that hold the wheel on has been cut off and drill out that way the wheels can be painted and installed last with a steel pin . I scratch built the throttles and added some other details to the tub. Added some plastic to the bottom of the tub since there is not much for the seats to mount on .

7958B318-8D75-427C-9281-FC315F8DA8BD by b007scott, on Flickr

1B549B35-6512-4E49-BACB-236F2A81B495 by b007scott, on Flickr

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321D7608-A443-4C2B-8D28-1B5F057D1F1D by b007scott, on Flickr

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C477FB78-9FCC-4910-BB0E-CAF46B83BAD4 by b007scott, on Flickr

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For the pitot tube i blue the kit one ofn and cut the cit one off where the brass one would fit. Carefully used three different drill bit to get the hole size correct . Cockpit painted with combination of dry brushing and handing painting .

35CE3653-1060-4919-815E-719A8994CCA1 by b007scott, on Flickr

9DEF6683-42AA-498A-BE3A-4D059104EE7B by b007scott, on Flickr

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AA51E20A-CA07-43E2-A4CB-CAF7ED640EA0 by b007scott, on Flickr

I always find gluing on pylons after model finished to be a royal pain depending on the model . The Thud is one of them cause of how they mount and the size of the fuel pylon tank combo . So the outer pylon and center bomb rack was glued on then dried for a few days then i brushed on extra Tamiya thin cemment . Now for the fuel tank/ pylon i cut the pylon seperate from the fuel l tanks and glued them on the wings . Once dry and drilled holes for the pin for the location mount .

078377C1-96D8-4CFC-9D9E-318B382B020E by b007scott, on Flickr

68BC3BDA-0247-402D-BB44-19D31DF69C45 by b007scott, on Flickr

B42E398B-4439-462B-BA17-4EEE67943DD9 by b007scott, on Flickr

B7CF26F1-4DF1-4ED0-8A7B-81EBB38D7525 by b007scott, on Flickr

The WORST part on the Monogram Thud kits is the burner section. . It always has a step once glued on. So once glue was cured i used few different snadning sticks to file it down then Tamiya sanding sponges for final clean up. Still some more sanding to do but not much .

3048CC78-6BF3-4C8B-AFF1-C4FB55CB3BC4 by b007scott, on Flickr

F0449DB1-EAF6-40C7-81BC-9E2871B5C32C by b007scott, on Flickr

D4688E63-30CE-4A49-B0E8-5EB6B5DDB319 by b007scott, on Flickr

D008AC9C-D983-4804-92F8-A9093FAC6311 by b007scott, on Flickr

Starting to look like a Thud . Main struts ,Wheels M117 bombs and drop tanks done . I used a mask for the demarcation on the drop tanks then went back and freehanded the camo to blend it. Front section of the M117 bombs combination of several shaed of OD to give that weatherd look of the front section of the bomb being exsposded to the elemenst of South East Asia .

4D979714-6437-4C76-97F4-78A0D5911258 by b007scott, on Flickr

0A0A7417-04CD-4E24-BD17-243EF97813E2 by b007scott, on Flickr

9E3A958E-A8FE-41A6-B0D1-241C088E0D82 by b007scott, on Flickr

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ACE2CC2C-CB00-4767-B752-70796ACA4C16 by b007scott, on Flickr

37D2A8BE-BBA0-4876-BE77-BEBCC6F623B8 by b007scott, on Flickr

D6E74763-5BED-40E8-B510-F183E1E94631 by b007scott, on Flickr

87CF0366-F961-4590-B2D6-8B873FFB30A9 by b007scott, on Flickr

That is "Da Bomb".
Spent the last two days doing all the final touch up work . All the colors have been feathered like like the real plane. I really like how its turning out . Next is to paint the wheel wells and exhaust area .
F4ACF3D0-F362-4868-9FED-859937D59AE6 by b007scott, on Flickr
E72E7A99-BE31-4491-9982-D9C8D6F317A4 by b007scott, on Flickr
CFA198B8-CAB5-4D24-9A6B-AE153AEF0FBD by b007scott, on Flickr
25D285DF-E6D6-443A-B82F-9A08A17EEA53 by b007scott, on Flickr
503F9824-75C6-42D4-9A3A-B2375521C5B6 by b007scott, on Flickr

Spent the last couple of days working on the spraying the wheel bays and exhaust. Exhaust and the four petal speed brakes is sprayed witha mix of Tamiya dark iron withe drop of red brown . Then i sprayed the outside of the petals with Tamiya LP Mettalic Grey. Next to mask them off and spray the camo colors on the hinges . Wheel wells sprayed with some old Tamiya interior green mix i had , couple areas to touch up on the airframe and fianlly gloss coat .
F5222D55-D2ED-453B-A587-8547C11F7FE2 by b007scott, on Flickr
F13C18B1-5D17-4225-9E01-60B35963E403 by b007scott, on Flickr
F14559C5-7129-4754-9165-A1107E416133 by b007scott, on Flickr
21A063AB-3465-4FBA-A6A3-FD71BE21268B by b007scott, on Flickr
39D2ABAF-2E16-4484-AA12-D2760BA6EE12 by b007scott, on Flickr
C0C7CFF9-1AFC-405E-8B16-A56D91E83DAC by b007scott, on Flickr
7B166153-A720-4FA9-8777-8E39F50B4A1C by b007scott, on Flickr


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