1/48 Tamiya F4U-1A Capt Dean Hartley Jr VMF-225

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Staff Sergeant
Dec 14, 2011
Wichita,Kansas USA
Im in the mood for WW2 tri-color aircraft and been itcing to build another Corsair. Going for Boyington's F4U-1A. The Tamiya outer wings to center wing has no good area for mounting so i hadd thin stripes of plastic upper and lower to make the wings fit better. Cockpit sprayed with AK real colors interior green. On this build used the quinta studio cockpit set that really adds allot more life to the kit interior

27765B2A-8237-41E9-BB70-641C26CFF6E9 by b007scott, on Flickr
40F73123-BE93-4CE1-879C-B6037F253F46 by b007scott, on Flickr
3D1DA0DD-9A27-49BE-B8CE-C0D22AEFB615 by b007scott, on Flickr
D4A0EEA0-D7AB-4D7C-ADCE-2BE27EC69277 by b007scott, on Flickr
5F4943C4-6FE7-4086-85A7-800889901EE6 by b007scott, on Flickr
F6D0D323-F3F2-46FE-ACD5-697A60A5312A by b007scott, on Flickr
CBC7B3F3-BF81-4D90-9A00-50F99DE0C94B by b007scott, on Flickr
0A750B11-566B-4DA8-99A4-870CA6EE6541 by b007scott, on Flickr
B166F92E-A8D5-4B57-BCB4-E88C1E5C28DB by b007scott, on Flickr
864F9C1C-56C0-47CC-A121-2DA4FFA7D7FC by b007scott, on Flickr
94BDDCBE-3289-4649-99FC-4DE076D24DA5 by b007scott, on Flickr
52DAB866-BFEC-43EE-A270-7B9CAC1CEDE4 by b007scott, on Flickr
51307DCA-99AB-4CEC-B03E-66FFFC49B713 by b007scott, on Flickr
9B071E39-AA55-40CD-9DF1-B5C6DB8D96A1 by b007scott, on Flickr
DD69AB3F-0148-4028-A627-290FC4CBE2BE by b007scott, on Flickr

Im in the mood for WW2 tri-color aircraft and been itcing to build another Corsair. Going for Boyington's F4U-1A. The Tamiya outer wings to center wing has no good area for mounting so i hadd thin stripes of plastic upper and lower to make the wings fit better. Cockpit sprayed with AK real colors interior green. On this build used the quinta studio cockpit set that really adds allot more life to the kit interior View attachment 671164
View attachment 67116527765B2A-8237-41E9-BB70-641C26CFF6E9 by b007scott, on Flickr
View attachment 67116640F73123-BE93-4CE1-879C-B6037F253F46 by b007scott, on Flickr
View attachment 6711673D1DA0DD-9A27-49BE-B8CE-C0D22AEFB615 by b007scott, on Flickr
View attachment 671168D4A0EEA0-D7AB-4D7C-ADCE-2BE27EC69277 by b007scott, on Flickr
View attachment 6711695F4943C4-6FE7-4086-85A7-800889901EE6 by b007scott, on Flickr
View attachment 671170F6D0D323-F3F2-46FE-ACD5-697A60A5312A by b007scott, on Flickr
View attachment 671171CBC7B3F3-BF81-4D90-9A00-50F99DE0C94B by b007scott, on Flickr
View attachment 6711720A750B11-566B-4DA8-99A4-870CA6EE6541 by b007scott, on Flickr
View attachment 671173B166F92E-A8D5-4B57-BCB4-E88C1E5C28DB by b007scott, on Flickr
View attachment 671174864F9C1C-56C0-47CC-A121-2DA4FFA7D7FC by b007scott, on Flickr
View attachment 67117594BDDCBE-3289-4649-99FC-4DE076D24DA5 by b007scott, on Flickr
View attachment 67117652DAB866-BFEC-43EE-A270-7B9CAC1CEDE4 by b007scott, on Flickr
View attachment 67117751307DCA-99AB-4CEC-B03E-66FFFC49B713 by b007scott, on Flickr
View attachment 6711789B071E39-AA55-40CD-9DF1-B5C6DB8D96A1 by b007scott, on Flickr
View attachment 671179DD69AB3F-0148-4028-A627-290FC4CBE2BE by b007scott, on Flickr

Beautiful work so far. I hate to be negative, but it is reported that Boyington never actually flew that aircraft in your photo, he only sat in it after it was decorated for the press.
Nice work indeed. This kit is thoroughly excellent, and was a great reintroduction to the hobby for me, despite its complexity. Everything fits, and the instructions are clear and logical, with only a couple of language barrier hiccups. The only serious problem was that it spoiled me. Other mfrs' kits just don't measure up to Tamiya's.
Thanks for posting. Please post more!
Back to model after vacation . Decided to got for Capt Dean Hartley Jr's markings instead of Pappy's . Spent the night working oon various parts. For the engine was i used the Tamiya Panel Libne Accent Black Wash . The engine crank is a mix of Tamiya LP INJ Grey and Mr color Bright Blue . Next few days will be gluinga bunch of partsd on

8DB5A493-C135-45D5-A790-F57CA353B24A by b007scott, on Flickr
7C35AA88-665C-467F-A5C2-2F9649303FBC by b007scott, on Flickr
366845B0-4CAE-4EF3-9A53-73B084BCF1A7 by b007scott, on Flickr
E7F911A3-2E8F-423C-96E3-185ED2A31A64 by b007scott, on Flickr
D182236B-C5AE-4749-8248-3027325CF1C9 by b007scott, on Flickr


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