Staff Sergeant
Started on this last year and finally got her done. Painted with AK real colors . I used the xrtradecals from the UK. One dullcoated i used a paper towel to buff the plan to get the finish various weather tones
0177E2E3-C1A8-4FCF-9E9B-AA67CBAE3EDC by b007scott, on Flickr
F3A3231E-190F-4DF3-AEDB-AAD162F7029A by b007scott, on Flickr
54AB3F01-E6B9-40FD-A7E2-F183943B3769 by b007scott, on Flickr
2ACC8E9C-05FF-49A2-9386-3F03307B3A9D by b007scott, on Flickr
A1BF91F6-7757-4DD3-B39A-074896D91CC4 by b007scott, on Flickr
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